RNDr. Jaroslav Zajíc, CSc.
Acanthodians (Acanthodii) are my favorite animals. The aim is to describe all available specimens from the Czech Republic. The first two steps (Stephanian and Permian acanthodians) are done. The next ones (Westphalian, and Silurian-Devonian) are intended. An opportunity to describe other than Czech acanthodians is welcome.
I feel obligated to monitor all non-marine fauna of the Bohemian and Moravian paralic basins. The first attempt to summarize of these faunas was published in 1986 together with Stanislav Štamberg (Museum of Eastern Bohemia, Hradec Králové). The new list of fauna and fossil localities of the Carboniferous and Permian limnic basins of the Czech Republic was published together with the same author in 2008. The book is possible to order via s [dot] stambergmuzeumhk [dot] cz (e-mail) to Stanislav Štamberg here.
Vertebrate biostratigraphy is very important part of the non-marine stratigraphy of the Carboniferous and Permian. We can successfully use common microvertebrate remains (ichthyoliths). Definitions of the Permo-Carboniferous local bio/ecozones (based on the non-marine vertebrates, especially on the ichthyoliths) of the limnic basins of the Czech Republic were published in 2000, and 2004.
Environmental changes near the Carboniferous/Permian boundary were studied from the paleoecological point of view in various Bohemian and Moravian limic basins (e.g. 2009 and 2013).