2019 2021 |
Time evolution of conjugated systems in excited states by surface hopping nonadiabatic molecular dynamics 19-06860S Grant Agency of the Czech Republic |
doc. Mgr. Pittner Jiří Dr. rer. nat., DSc. |
2018 2020 |
Relativistic DMRG-based externally corrected coupled cluster methods
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic https://www.rvvi.cz/cep?ss=detail&n=0&h=GA18-24563S |
doc. Mgr. Pittner Jiří Dr. rer. nat., DSc. |
2017 2020 |
Nové coupled cluster metody korigované pomocí DMRG: Implementace pro nejnovější generaci superpočítačů a aplikace na komplexy přechodných kovů
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic http://www.rvvi.cz/cep?ss=detail&n=0&h=LTAUSA17033 |
doc. Mgr. Pittner Jiří Dr. rer. nat., DSc. |
2016 2018 |
Advanced methods for treatment of systems with static and dynamic correlation based on the density matrix renormalization group technique and their applications
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
doc. Mgr. Pittner Jiří Dr. rer. nat., DSc. |
2016 2018 |
DMRG-based externally corrected multireference coupled cluster methods
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic http://www.rvvi.cz/cep?ss=detail&n=0&h=GA16-12052S |
doc. Mgr. Pittner Jiří Dr. rer. nat., DSc. |
2014 2015 |
Lokální multireferenční metody vázaných klastrů založené na přístupu párových přirozených orbitalů
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
doc. Mgr. Pittner Jiří Dr. rer. nat., DSc. |
2013 2015 |
Parallel Implementation of Hilbert-space Multireference Coupled Cluster Methods and Application on Excited States
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic http://www.rvvi.cz/cep?ss=detail&n=0&h=LH13117 |
doc. Mgr. Pittner Jiří Dr. rer. nat., DSc. |
2012 2016 |
Ab initio molecular dynamics with non-adiabatic and spin-orbit effects applied to time-dependent fluorescence
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic http://www.rvvi.cz/cep?ss=detail&n=0&h=GAP208/12/0559 |
doc. Mgr. Pittner Jiří Dr. rer. nat., DSc. |
2011 2015 |
Explicitly correlated multireference coupled cluster methods
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic http://www.rvvi.cz/cep?ss=detail&n=0&h=GAP208/11/2222 |
doc. Mgr. Pittner Jiří Dr. rer. nat., DSc. |
2008 2011 |
Efficient methods for ab-initio non-adiabatic molecular dynamics
Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic http://www.rvvi.cz/cep?ss=detail&n=0&h=IAA400400810 |
doc. Mgr. Pittner Jiří Dr. rer. nat., DSc. |
2008 2012 |
Quantum chemistry on quantum computers
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic http://www.rvvi.cz/cep?ss=detail&n=0&h=GA203/08/0626 |
doc. Mgr. Pittner Jiří Dr. rer. nat., DSc. |
2007 2010 |
Computer- aided implementation if multireference coupled cluster methods.
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic http://www.rvvi.cz/cep?ss=detail&n=0&h=GA203/07/0070 |
doc. Mgr. Pittner Jiří Dr. rer. nat., DSc. |
2004 2006 |
Analytic gradient for the state-specific multireference Brillouin-Wigner coupled cluster method.
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic |
doc. Mgr. Pittner Jiří Dr. rer. nat., DSc. |
2004 2007 |
State specific multireference Brillouin-Wigner coupled cluster method with triexcitations
Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
doc. Mgr. Pittner Jiří Dr. rer. nat., DSc. |