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  •  28 November 2022
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The World Ocean Wave Fields Discerned From ERA-Interim Spectra

  •  26 November 2022

Key Points

  • A new clustering technique is presented to elucidate wave fields from 2D wave spectra

  • The world ocean wave fields are discerned from global spectra time series

  • The disaggregated wave fields constitute a rich new source of environmental information

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Meltwater Lenses Over the Chukchi and the Beaufort Seas During Summer 2019: From In Situ to Synoptic View

  •  24 November 2022

Key Points

  • Saildrones and L-band radiometers detect large sea surface salinity variability induced by sea ice over the Chukchi and the Beaufort Sea

  • Low surface salinity due to sea ice melting decreases the vertical extent of momentum transfer, inhibiting it beyond 10 m depth

  • Meltwater lenses may persist more than 1 month and reach a surface salinity 5 pss fresher than surrounding waters

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Wind-Driven Seasonal Intrusion of Modified Circumpolar Deep Water Onto the Continental Shelf in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica

  •  24 November 2022

Key Points

  • Warm mCDW intrusions in March–July in Prydz Bay are linked to the wind regime in January–May north of the shelf break

  • The southward shift of westerly winds in January–May brings about the shoaling of mCDW over the shelf break

  • The barrier effect of the strong Antarctic Slope Front on mCDW intrusions is offset by shoaling of mCDW in January–May

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A Multi-Layer Linear Rossby Wave Dispersion Relation for Vertical Tilt of Mesoscale Eddies

  •  23 November 2022

Key Points

  • The vertical tilt features of mesoscale eddies can be explained by vertical changes of translation speeds of eddies (Rossby waves)

  • Based on the quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity equation, a multi-layer linear Rossby wave (MLRW) dispersion relation is deduced

  • The MLRW dispersion relation agrees well with the vertical tilt features of eddies in observations and numerical simulations

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Enhancement of Oceanic Eddy Activity by Fine-Scale Orographic Winds Drives High Productivity, Low Oxygen, and Low pH Conditions in the Santa Barbara Channel

  •  23 November 2022

Key Points

  • Interaction of the low-level wind with capes and islands enhances the transfer of energy from the atmosphere to the ocean

  • The wind energizes submesoscale cyclonic eddies, enhancing productivity in the Santa Barbara Channel

  • Submesoscale cyclonic eddies advect low oxygen, acidic waters beyond the Channel into the broader California Current

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Impact of ENSO on the Entrance of the Indonesian Throughflow: The Oceanic Wave Propagation

  •  22 November 2022

Key Points

  • The sea level and current anomalies at both the western and eastern Indonesian Throughflow pathways correlate significantly with Niño 3.4

  • Current anomalies in the two pathways respond oppositely to El Niño or La Niña signals

  • Nonlinear processes modulate the relative importance of the two pathways in transmitting oceanic waves from the Pacific

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Oceanic Heat Content as a Predictor of the Indian Ocean Dipole

  •  21 November 2022

Key Points

  • Heat content internal to the Indian Ocean provides IOD predictability in addition to El Niño-Southern Oscillation, especially at 5–8-month lead times

  • Heat content as a predictor is seasonally dependent, being most effective as an initial condition in the boreal winter and spring

  • Equatorial heat content is more useful than heat content in the eastern pole of the Dipole as a predictor when accounting for persistence

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On the Use of Dissolved Oxygen Isotopologues as Biogeochemical Tracers in the Northeast Pacific Ocean

  •  19 November 2022

Key Points

  • Variations in five isotopologues of molecular oxygen were measured across a concentration gradient in the northeast pacific down to 3,000 m

  • A two-dimensional isopycnal reaction-transport model, with independently constrained transport parameters, was used to understand the data

  • Dissolved oxygen isotopologue fractionation factors in the northeast Pacific may be different and more variable than previously assumed

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Inferring Advective Timescales and Overturning Pathways of the Deep Western Boundary Current in the North Atlantic Through Labrador Sea Water Advection

  •  19 November 2022

Key Points

  • Advection timescales of the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) are inferred from Labrador Sea Water (LSW) convective minima in the North Atlantic

  • The two LSW classes examined are observed to advect on different timescales, likely due to varying advective pathways

  • An alternative interior-advective pathway observed as a bifurcation in the DWBC advects water to the interior

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Response of the Ryukyu Current to climate change during 1993–2018: Is there a robust trend?

  •  2 December 2022

Key Points

  • The Ryukyu Current, part of the western boundary current of the North Pacific, tended to weaken along its path during 1993–2018

  • The weakened Kuroshio in the Tokara Strait is one determinant for the weakened Ryukyu Current subsurface core

  • Increasing anticyclonic eddies emanating from the interior region east of the Kuroshio Extension render a weakened Ryukyu Current

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The Interannual Variability of Sea Ice Area, Thickness, and Volume in the Southern Sea of Okhotsk and Its Likely Factors

  •  2 December 2022

Key Points

  • The effect of sea ice dynamics on the variation of ice volume across the seasonal ice zone is examined based on field observations and remote sensing data

  • The strong regionality of the interannual variability of sea ice area in the Sea of Okhotsk was revealed based on long-term field observations and satellite data

  • The effectiveness of the viscous-plastic sea ice rheology in reproducing deformation processes were shown from observations and theory

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Tides, internal and near-inertial waves in the Yermak Pass at the entrance of the Atlantic Water to the Arctic Ocean

  •  1 December 2022

Key Points

  • An anticyclonic residual circulation around the Yermak Plateau forced by the diurnal tide helps Atlantic Water penetrate into the Arctic

  • Semi-diurnal stationary internal waves are observed in the Yermak Pass and could result from freely propagating semi-diurnal internal waves

  • Freely propagating semi-diurnal internal waves are generated by diurnal barotropic tides on critical slopes around the plateau

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Unraveling the Synoptic-scale Penetration of the Yellow Sea Coastal Water into the Changjiang River Estuary

  •  29 November 2022

Key Points

  • Principle Component Analysis and Optimum Multiparameter method are combined to observe the implicit synoptic-scale water mass interaction

  • Combination Methodologies unravel a previously overlooked penetration of the Yellow Sea Coastal Water into the Changjiang River Estuary

  • The Yellow Sea Coastal Water penetration takes place repeatedly in response to the northerly wind burst

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North Atlantic Current and European Slope Current circulation in the Rockall Trough observed using moorings and gliders

  •  29 November 2022

Key Points

  • Eastern boundary current system captured in unprecedented detail using 22 months of near-continuous glider observations

  • Large-scale freshining event in subpolar North Atlantic impacted Rockall Trough around 2017

  • Interannual variability in poleward transport driven by subsurface temperature anomalies at the western flank of the Rockall Trough

Open access

The role of summer snowstorms on seasonal Arctic sea ice loss

  •  25 November 2022

Key Points

  • Summer Arctic snowstorms result in positive sea ice extent and albedo anomalies due to associated changes in ice drift and air cooling

  • Sea ice-ocean model experiments suggest that snowstorm-induced surface air cooling is the dominant driver of reduced seasonal sea ice loss

  • Reductions in the prevalence and severity of summer Arctic snowstorms could accelerate future Arctic sea ice loss

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The Effects of Light Intensity and Flow Speed on Biogeochemical Variability within a Fringing Coral Reef in Onna-son, Okinawa, Japan.

  •  23 November 2022

Key Points

  • Flow speed and light intensity explained 25-74% of daily and 7-75% of nightly pH and oxygen variability across different reef habitats

  • Circulation of the Onna-son coral reef system was driven by waves, but modulated by tides, and was highly consistent

  • Constraining coral reef circulation and light intensity will allow us to better predict future biogeochemical variability on coral reefs

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Mapping of Active Frazil and Sea Ice Production in the Northern Hemisphere, with Comparison to the Southern Hemisphere

  •  23 November 2022

Key Points

  • The active frazil area in the Northern Hemisphere is mapped for the first time, with improved estimation of sea ice production

  • Several coastal polynyas with a high occurrence rate of active frazil and high ice production rate are extracted

  • The ice production rate in Northern Hemisphere polynyas is generally lower than in Antarctic polynyas owing to fewer strong wind events

Open access

How Mesoscale Eddies Masquerade as Rossby Waves in Merged Altimetric Products

  •  23 November 2022

Key Points

  • Along-track sampling and model-based mapping capabilities of up to six altimeters in current altimetric products are assessed

  • Westward propagating eddies intrinsically form wave-like patterns in altimetric products, masquerading as Rossby waves in similar scales

  • Dominated Rossby wave signals are quantified by removing eddy-formed wave-like signals in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans

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EN4: Quality controlled ocean temperature and salinity profiles and monthly objective analyses with uncertainty estimates

Key Points

  • EN4 dataset of quality-controlled temperature and salinity profiles is described
  • Dataset covers 1900 to present and includes monthly objective analyses
  • A novel method is presented to estimate uncertainty in the objective analyses

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A Global Perspective on Microplastics

Key Points

  • The sources, behavior, fate, and effects of microplastics are inexplicably tied to those of their plastic product and macrodebris precursors, as well as the nanoplastics into which they fragment
  • Microplastic sampling and characterization methods are evolving, but their inadequacies still hamper efforts to evaluate the true extent of their presence and consequences in the built and natural environments
  • Microplastics are a global/multimedia phenomenon; hence, they cannot be adequately understood, or related concerns resolved, in the context of the marine environment alone or a single discipline

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The Role of the New Zealand Plateau in the Tasman Sea Circulation and Separation of the East Australian Current

Key Points

  • EAC separation latitude shifts south 1.1 degrees when the New Zealand submarine platform is completely removed and Tasman Sea is leveled
  • The presence of the New Zealand submarine platform weakens the EAC extension and strengthens the Tasman Front
  • Meridional gradients in the basin-wide wind stress curl are not the sole factor determining the mean latitude of EAC partial separation

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Submesoscale Sea Ice-Ocean Interactions in Marginal Ice Zones

Key Points

  • Energetic submesoscale ocean variability forms at marginal ice zones due to mixed-layer instabilities of ice-edge meltwater fronts
  • Mechanical sea ice-ocean interactions trap sea ice in cyclonic eddies and filaments—regions with dramatically enhanced ocean heat fluxes
  • The strength of submesoscale sea ice-ocean coupling is expected to increase with thinning of Arctic sea ice and marginal ice zone expansion

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Observation of rogue wave holes in a water wave tank

Key Points

  • Experimental generation of rogue wave holes
  • Rogue waves holes within the framework of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation
  • Rogue wave holes modeled by the Peregrine soliton

Open access

Intensification and poleward shift of subtropical western boundary currents in a warming climate

Key Points:

  • WBCs are strengthening and shifting toward poles under global warming
  • Three types of independent data sets are included
  • Several coupled parameters are used to identify the WBCs dynamics

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Understanding Arctic Ocean Circulation: A Review of Ocean Dynamics in a Changing Climate

Key Points

  • Major features of Arctic Ocean circulation are reviewed and interpreted theoretically
  • Fundamental ocean dynamics are set in the context of a changing Arctic climate
  • We describe how Arctic dynamics might change in the future

Plain Language Summary

The Arctic region is experiencing the most rapid environmental changes on Earth, with unparalleled air temperature increases, a warming ocean, and melting permafrost, snow, and ice. The ocean is a central control via Arctic Ocean warming, freshening, and circulation dynamics that link to the sea ice, atmosphere, and terrestrial environment. Given the rapid pace of Arctic change, it is vital to take stock of present understanding of the ocean circulation to address knowledge gaps and make viable future predictions. Present understanding of the principal geophysical fluid dynamics of Arctic Ocean circulation is synthesized here, and we speculate on how the dynamics of the ocean-ice-atmosphere system might change in a warming Arctic.

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North Atlantic Ocean Internal Decadal Variability: Role of the Mean State and Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling

Key Points

  • The AMOC and AMV decadal variability can emerge from a self-sustained oceanic mode based on coupled model results
  • Increasing atmospheric resolution decreases the oceanic variability due to mean state changes
  • Atmosphere-ocean coupling causes a moderate increase of the AMOC variability

Open access

Biogeochemical sensor performance in the SOCCOM profiling float array

Key Points

  • Biogeochemical sensors on profiling floats require careful adjustments for sensor calibration error and drift
  • After adjustment, biogeochemical sensor data can approach the accuracy found in large data sets such as GLODAP
  • Adjusted sensor data accuracy has relatively little degradation over the many years a profiling float operates

Plain Language Summary

The ocean science community must move toward greater use of autonomous platforms and sensors if we are to extend our knowledge of the effects of climate driven change within the ocean. Essential to this shift in observing strategies is an understanding of the performance that can be obtained from biogeochemical sensors on platforms deployed for years and the procedures used to process data. This is the subject of the manuscript. We show the performance of oxygen, nitrate, pH, and bio-optical sensors that have been deployed on robotic profiling floats in the Southern Ocean for time periods up to 32 months.

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Mesoscale resolution capability of altimetry: Present and future

Key Points

  • A global analysis of wavenumber spectra of Sea Surface Height determines the mesoscale resolution capability of altimeter missions
  • The future 2-D mesoscale resolution capability of the SWOT altimeter mission is predicted using a simulated error level

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