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Uzbekistan Successes

3 September, 2021

In a July 2021 listing of the most influential economists in Uzbekistan (per IDEAS/RePEc), three were either current or past participants of the CERGE-EI Foundation Teaching Fellows Program.


The only woman on the list, Nargiza Alimukhamedova, is CERGE-EI's PhD alumna.

Bakhrom Mirkasimov is now rector of Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT), an accredited institution of the University of Westminster (UK). Nargiza Alimukhamedova is a Lecturer at Westminster International University in Tashkent. Yusupov Nurmukhammad is currently an Academic Coordinator at SolBridge International School of Business in Korea.

"First of all, it is very inspirational, rewarding, and motivational to be ranked in the top 10 economists! I am very much grateful to all CERGE-EI community, especially my two supervisors - Prof. Hanousek and Prof. Filer, for the remarkable and life-transforming Ph.D. journey that paved my economist road," Nargiza noted. 

The CERGE-EI Foundation Teaching Fellows are dedicated young men and women who have returned to Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union to teach modern, market-based economics to the next generation. Some fellows have entered full-time academic careers (Career Integration Fellows or CIFs); others teach part-time while completing their PhDs or working in the public or private sector (Graduate Teaching Fellows or GTFs).  All have graduate training from leading western universities. They join a community of mutual support in often challenging local academic and research environments.

In addition, Nargiza and Bakhrom are both currently participating in the CERGE-EI Foundation Distance Learning Program - a project to live-stream bachelor's and master's level courses to universities across Eastern Europe and Central Asia in line with its mission to strengthen economics education across the region.

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