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Kateryna Semenovykh received the Martina Roeselová Foundation Grant (20.12. 2022)

The Martina Roeselová Memorial Grant is designed for graduate students and early career scientists in the natural sciences who are trying to combine competitive scientific activity with quality early childhood care. The IOCB Tech Foundation will support 10 young scientists with an annual scholarship of CZK 150,000. Kateryna Semenovykh from the Institute of Physiology of the CAS received the scholarship for the year 2023 at a ceremony on Friday 16 December 2022. Congratulations!

Four important IPHYS researchers celebrated their life anniversaries (13.12. 2022)

On Monday, 12 December, the pre-Christmas seminar "The Scientific Footprint of the Work of Four Personalities of the Institute of Physiology of the CAS" was dedicated to Jaroslava Folbergrová, Helena Illnerová, Zdeněk Drahota and Pavel Mareš. The evening was a tribute to these four personalities whose lives are inseparably connected with Institute of Physiology. We congratulate them once again on their significant life anniversaries.

from the left: Z. Drahota, H. Illnerová, J. Folbergrová, P. Mareš

Results of bibliometric analysis of M17+ (8.12. 2022)

The Institute of Physiology of the CAS, v.v.i. (hereinafter referred to as IPHYS) was ranked among the top-ranked research organizations in the bibliometric evaluation of publications for the period 2016-2020 in the M17+ system. In particular, the high number of high quality publications in the first quartile of journals (Q1) according to the article influence score (AIS) parameter with a corresponding author from IPHYS (55%) was positively evaluated by the relevant Basic Medicine Expert Panel. As stated in the Panel report, information on the corresponding author is essential to determine the leader of the collaborating teams, who is the originator of the project and who manages the whole project. The excellent results of this evaluation thus confirm the important position of IPHYS in the field of biomedical research in the Czech Republic and the important role of IPHYS scientists in characterizing the complex mechanisms of origin and potential therapies for a number of major diseases of civilization.

Starting this year, research in this area will be strengthened by the participation of most IPHYS research teams in one of two strategic projects supported by the European Union through Next Generation EU EXCELES, the National Institute for Metabolic and Cardiovascular Disease Research (CarDia) and the National Institute for Neurological Research (NINR). IPHYS's partnership in these two projects will allow to deepen collaboration between basic and clinical research and improve the quality of biomedical research across the Czech Republic.

Veronika Palůchová received the Josef Hlávka Prize (30.11. 2022)

On Wednesday, 16 November 2022, Veronika Palůchová received the Josef Hlávka Prize in Lužany Castle. This prestigious award is intended for the best students or graduates of Prague universities, Brno technology and young scientists of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The Josef Hlávka Prize is presented annually at his castle in Lužany near Přeštice, on the eve of the national holiday of 17 November, in honour of the memory of the famous Czech architect, builder and patron. 

Veronika Palůchová (second from the right)

Great first place for student Martin Kubeš, who completed his internship within the Open Science project at IPHYS (29.11. 2022)

At the final conference of the Open Science project on 24 November 2022, the winner was Martin Kubeš, a student of the Čáslav Gymnasium, who completed his internship at the Institute of Physiology.  Martin Kubeš took 1st place in the Life Sciences category with his presentation entitled "Cations - key elements for the life of eukaryotic cells". He completed his internship in the Laboratory of Membrane Transport under the supervision of Olga Zimmermanná. Congratulations to Martin!

Vojtěch Vyklický was successful in the JUNIOR STAR project announced by GA CR (7.11. 2022)

Vojtěch Vyklický succeeded in the grant competition announced by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GA CR) with his project "Conformational dynamics of NMDA receptors: from structure to function and pharmacology". The GA CR will fund 10 new EXPRO projects and 23 JUNIOR STAR projects from next year. Both prestigious competitions aim to promote scientific excellence through superior conditions - EXPRO is for experienced scientists who have a breakthrough idea, while JUNIOR STAR will allow outstanding early career scientists to pursue their own research topics. The five-year projects will receive a total of almost one billion crowns. The EXPRO and JUNIOR STAR competitions always support only the best projects that have been endorsed by international evaluation panels. Their researchers have better support conditions during the five-year solution period. 

Lucie Bačáková received the prestigious Academic Award - Praemium Academiae 2022 (7.11. 2022)

Lucie Bačáková was awarded the prestigious Academic Prize - Praemium Academiae 2022. The purpose of the Academic Prize, as a strictly selective instrument of financial and moral support for scientific excellence in the Czech Academy of Sciences, is to support outstanding scientists who are conducting research at the top international level and to create conditions for them to better develop their potential for the benefit of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Czech science as a whole. Congratulations to doc. Bačáková and her team!

2nd Bilateral meeting with the Nencki Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw (17.10. 2022)

Seven scientists from the Institute of Physiology CAS, including the director of the Institute, dr. Kopecký, participated in the 2nd Bilateral meeting with the Nencki Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw on 10-12 October 2022. The staff of the Institute of Physiology presented the results of their research, especially in the field of metabolism and neurosciences. The aim of the conference was to mutually present selected scientific topics addressed at the individual institutes, whether they were topics addressed within the framework of ongoing joint grants or possibilities of future cooperation, including services (e.g. metabolomic analyses).



above, from the left: Jerzy Duszyński, Agnieszka Dobrzyń, Jan Kopecký; lecture of Tomáš Čajka

bottom photo on the right: Adam Szewczyk 

Visit of the International Advisory Board in the Institute of Physiology (17.10. 2022)

The meeting of the International Advisory Board of Institute of Physiology of the CAS with the management of the Institute took place on 13 and 14 October 2022.  During the meeting, the members of the Board got acquainted with the organizational structure of the Institute, scientific and pedagogical activities, as well as the overall budget and the economic model of financing individual laboratories. During the discussions and visits to selected scientific and service departments, the questions of research strategy and further development of the Institute, start-up programme for the establishment of new departments or the possibility of participation in European research projects were raised.  The Advisory Board will help further with improving international cooperation and increasing the prestige of the Institute, with evaluation criteria for the quality of individual laboratories and with improving of the leadership of the institute.

from the left: Jan Kopecký, Bryndis Birnir, Adam Szewczyk, Pontus Persson, Marianne Schultzberg, Jiří Paleček

Enrico Patrono won the national round of the international competition Falling Walls Lab (6.10. 2022)

Enrico Patrono won the national round of the international Falling Walls Lab competition in Wroclaw, Poland. The aim of the project is to connect the next generation of scientists and innovators and come up with a breakthrough idea - a scientific project, a business plan or a social initiative that breaks down all walls and barriers. Enrico has advanced to the global final in Berlin, which are regularly held on the day of the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, 7 November 2022.

His project is about an innovative trans-disciplinary approach to Neuroscience. "With the collaboration of a physicist from the University of Hamburg, we are implementing a new in-vitro device called Brain-on-a-Chip (BoC), reproducing specific brain areas in a plastic chip. This new tool will allow us to model any potential features of psychopathology and to study in-depth and, on time, the specific neurotransmission. Furthermore, coupling with optogenetics methods, we can tackle the “spatial-temporal resolution” problem in Neuroscience, which is critical in detecting the main brain actors playing in the drama of psychiatric disorders", explains Dr. Patrono.   

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