prom. fyz. Pavel Boháček

Employee function
Deputy Head of Department
+420 266 05 2168, +420 266 05 2688
bohacekp [at]

Radmila Kranichová

Employee function
+420 266 05 2788
krani [at]

Although research in the field of chemistry is not a primary focus of the Institute of Physics, some research directions require highly specialized work of a chemical nature. To ensure that research groups in need of chemical research do not have to maintain their own laboratories, the Department of Chemistry working in Division of Condensed Matter Physics provides the expertise and experimental equipment necessary for modern research in the field of chemistry. 

The Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry has the equipment for performing chemical analysis of both inorganic and organic substances according to requirements of the topics addressed in the Department of Chemistry as well as to the requirements of various research groups solving specific research projects in other departments of FZU.

The Department of Chemistry also includes groups dealing with research and development of preparation procedures of new materials intended for basic or applied research carried out in cooperation with research groups in other departments. The specific topics of these collaborations change over time and the Department of Chemistry is open to any future collaboration within the FZU.

Currently, a very successful long-term cooperation is in progress with the Group of Liquid Crystals from the Department of Dielectrics. The Organic materials synthesis group in the Department of Chemistry deals with both the molecular design of substances and the development of synthetic protocols leading to new materials that exhibit self-assembling capability at the molecular level.

Similar continual cooperation has been ongoing in the field of preparation and research of materials for use in optical applications. The researchers of the Department of Chemistry develop technologies for preparation of new types of single crystals and polycrystals usable as radiation detectors, lasers, scintillators and luminophores, and prepare these materials for further research in the Department of Optical Materials. The aim is to optimize their chemical composition to achieve the required optical characteristics of materials.

In their own field, the staff of the Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry is mainly engaged in the development of new methods of chemical decomposition and determination of element content in uncommon and atypical inorganic materials that are currently being studied at the FZU. In the field of organic matter analysis, NMR spectrometry is used to determine the structure of complex organic materials and high performance liqid chromatography is used to verify the purity of newly prepared materials.


Determination of organic compounds structure by NMR spectrometry

Cyberstar pulling machine

Cyberstar pulling machine for preparation of monocrystals