Novel optical fibers and their spectroscopy for fiber lasers operating beyond 2 μm

Sponsor: GAČR

Nr. 17-20049S

Principal investigator: Ivan Kašík, Ph.D.

Members: O. Podrazký, J. Mrázek, P. Honzátko, P. Peterka, J. Aubrecht,

From: 2017-01-01

To: 2019-12-31

Fiber lasers nowadays pass through the second period of their remarkable rebirth; extending of their emission wavelengths further to the infrared region belongs to huge current challenges of photonics. This project dealing with novel kinds of rare-earth-doped optical fibers aims to contribute to answering the public call. Its goal is to prepare and characterize rare-earth-doped GeO2-based specialty optical fibers suitable for fiber lasers operating in a spectral region beyond 2 μm. The concept of the project is based on the preparation of novel materials (preforms and optical fibers) by chemical vapor deposition techniques which enable preparation of such materials with extremely high purity. The prepared samples will serve as a basis for spectroscopic study and modeling of fiber lasers operating in the mid-infrared region. Novel findings in the field of mid-infrared fiber lasers together with acquiring a good knowledge of specialty fiber preparation will be the main results of the project.

IPE carries out fundamental and applied research in the scientific fields of photonics, optoelectronics and electronics. In these fields, IPE generates new knowledge and develops new technologies.

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