How to…

Do you have questions or suggestions regarding the Institute website?

Contact the webmaster.


Need to complete your personal web page?

Register your account, sign in and update your employee profile (for more see below).


Need to fix your name, titles, phone or grants?

These data cannot be edited directly on the Institute website because they are copied to the website from the intranet employee database. Contact the intranet administrators M. Blaháček (Vice-Director for Financial Affairs and Operations) or P. Formánek (IT manager).


Basic concepts

The Institute website is the official public presentation of the Institute at and is oriented to providing information about you and your research to the public, unlike the Institute intranet (, which is only available to Institute employees.


Account registration

Click Sign In in the top right corner at On the Log In screen click Sign up here and enter your Institute e-mail address (ending with An email will be sent to your e-mail with a link to create your password. Please check your spam folder if you do not receive the e-mail. Click the link in the e-mail, choose your password and click Create Password. We recommend to use the strong password generated by the system, however, you can delete it and enter your own.


Sign in

Click Log In in the top right corner at On the Log In screen enter your e-mail or login (the part of the e-mail address before the @ sign) and the password created in the previous step. (Example: If your Institute e-mail address is “”, you can use either “name” or “” as your login. If you want to change your login name for any reason, contact the webmaster.

Once logged in you can edit your employee profile. Don’t forget to save it it by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the employee profile editing page.


Thins you can do using your account

  • You can edit your employee profile. Basic data such as your name, academic titles, telephone, room/building, e-mail and list of grants are copied from the intranet database. Contact the intranet administrators (see above) if you need to update this information.
  • You can include your ResearcherID, your ORCID or links to the LinkedIn and ResearchGate professional networks in your profile. If you do this, you don’t have to manually insert lists of your publications into your profile.
  • Try to fill in both the Czech and English versions of your profile. An example of a good employee profile is here: Good means concise and structured, without messy formatting. Remember that your profile becomes part of your employer’s official public presentation! Please refrain from presenting information that is not relevant to your work for the Institute.
  • If you need to present your research in more detail (beyond the presentation of your department or laboratory) such as when presenting a project, contact the webmaster.
  • If your department head has designated you as the laboratory administrator, contact the webmaster who will assign you the necessary rights to administer your laboratory web pages. Besides a short description you can add information in the following tabs on the laboratory page: Research, People, Equipment, PhD Students, More information. Always complete both the Czech and English versions of the laboratory web pages.
  • The Institute website is responsive and you can view it on your tablet and mobile phones.