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Journal of Climate


Volume 36 (2023): Issue 4 (Feb 2023)

About the Journal

The Journal of Climate (JCLI) publishes research that advances basic understanding of the dynamics and physics of the climate system on large spatial scales, including variability of the atmosphere, oceans, land surface, and cryosphere; past, present, and projected future changes in the climate system; and climate simulation and prediction.

ISSN: 0894-8755; eISSN: 1520-0442

Editors in Chief

Mingfang Ting, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

Darryn Waugh, The Johns Hopkins University

View Full Editorial Board

Impact Factor


2021 Journal Impact Factors in the Meteorology and Atmospheric Science category

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Ambiguous Variations in Tropical Latent Heat Flux since the Years around 1998

Rongwang Zhang
Weihao Guo
Xin Wang
, and
Chunzai Wang
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Impacts of anthropogenic emissions over South Asia on East Asian spring climate: Two possible dynamical pathways

Xinyue Hao
Yiquan Jiang
Xiu-Qun Yang
Xiaohong Liu
Yang Zhang
Minghuai Wang
Yuan Liang
, and
Yong Wang
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Global Climate Impacts of Greenland and Antarctic Meltwater: A Comparative Study

Qian Li
John Marshall
Craig D. Rye
Anastasia Romanou
David Rind
, and
Maxwell Kelley
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Southern Hemisphere Response to the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation in the CMIP5/6 Models

Jian Rao
Chaim I. Garfinkel
Rongcai Ren
Tongwen Wu
, and
Yixiong Lu
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Upstream Large-Scale Control of Subtropical Low-Cloud Climatology

Hamish Lewis
Gilles Bellon
, and
Tra Dinha
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Relative Contribution of Moisture Transport During TC Active and Inactive Periods to the Precipitation in Henan Province of North China: Mean State and an Extreme Event

Yangruixue Chen
Bo Liu
Yali Luo
Cristian Martinez-Villalobos
Guoyu Ren
Yongjie Huang
Sihan Zhang
Yong Sun
, and
Zhongshi Zhang
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Pitfalls of Climate Network Construction - A Statistical Perspective

Moritz Haas
Bedartha Goswami
, and
Ulrike von Luxburg
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Interdecadal Variations of the Scandinavian Pattern

Bo Pang
Adam A. Scaife
Riyu Lu
Rongcai Ren
, and
Xiaoxuan Zhao
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The Timescales of Climate Responses to Carbon Dioxide and Aerosols

Camilla W. Stjern
Piers M. Forster
Hailing Jia
Caroline Jouan
Matthew R. Kasoar
Gunnar Myhre
Dirk Olivié
Johannes Quaas
Bjørn H. Samset
Maria Sand
Toshihiko Takemura
Apostolos Voulgarakis
, and
Christopher D. Wells
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On the Role of Sea Surface Temperature in the Clustering of Global Tropical Cyclone Formation

Chanh Kieu
Ming Zhao
Zhihong Tan
Bosong Zhang
, and
Thomas Knutson
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Formation Mechanism of the ENSO-Independent Summer Western North Pacific Anomalous Anticyclone

Tong Lu
Zhiwei Zhu
Ying Yang
Jing Ma
, and
Gang Huang
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Climate Impacts of Convective Cloud Microphysics in NCAR CAM5

Lin Lin
Xiaohong Liu
Qiang Fu
, and
Yunpeng Shan
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Watermass Co-Ordinates Isolate the Historical Ocean Warming Signal

T. Sohail
R. M. Holmes
, and
J.D. Zika
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Rectified Ocean Heat Uptake from Oscillatory Surface Forcing

M. P. Pudig
C. K. Yung
J. D. Zika
, and
R. M. Holmes
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Past to Future Drylands in China: A Multimodel Analysis using CMIP6 Simulations

Jiawen Shi
Zhiping Tian
Xianmei Lang
, and
Dabang Jiang
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Upper Oceanic Warming in the Gulf of Mexico between 1950 and 2020

Zhankun Wang
Tim Boyer
James Reagan
, and
Patrick Hogan
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The Deep Arctic Ocean and Fram Strait in CMIP6 Models

Céline Heuzé
Hannah Zanowski
Salar Karam
, and
Morven Muilwijk
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Drivers of an Ecologically-Relevant Summer North American Dipole

Husile Bai
Courtenay Strong
, and
Benjamin Zuckerberg
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The impact of tropical Pacific SST biases on the S2S forecast skill over the North America in the UFS global coupled model

Cristiana Stan
V. Krishnamurthy
Hedanqiu Bai
Bin Li
Avichal Mehra
Jessica Meixner
Shrinivas Moorthi
Lydia Stefanova
Jiande Wang
Jun Wang
Denise Worthen
, and
Fanglin Yang
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The Dynamical Tropopause Location as a Potential Predictor for North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity

Bernhard M. Enz
David Neubauer
Michael Sprenger
, and
Ulrike Lohmann
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Changes and Mechanisms of Long-Lived Warm Blobs in the Northeast Pacific in Low-Warming Climates

Cong Tang
Jian Shi
Yu Zhang
Shengpeng Wang
Chun Li
Riyu Lu
Tengfei Yu
Ruiqi Wang
, and
Ziyan Chen
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Role of Ocean Initialization in Skillful Prediction of Sahel Rainfall on the Decadal Timescale

Yujun He
Bin Wang
Lijuan Li
Juanjuan Liu
Yong Wang
, and
Feifei Li
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Can Polar Stratospheric Clouds Explain Arctic Amplification?

Deepashree Dutta
Steven C. Sherwood
Martin Jucker
Alex Sen Gupta
, and
Katrin J. Meissner
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Volume 36 (2023): Issue 4 (Feb 2023)

Most cited articles since 1990:

Full access

MERRA: NASA’s Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications

Michele M. Rienecker
Max J. Suarez
Ronald Gelaro
Ricardo Todling
Julio Bacmeister
Emily Liu
Michael G. Bosilovich
Siegfried D. Schubert
Lawrence Takacs
Gi-Kong Kim
Stephen Bloom
Junye Chen
Douglas Collins
Austin Conaty
Arlindo da Silva
Wei Gu
Joanna Joiner
Randal D. Koster
Robert Lucchesi
Andrea Molod
Tommy Owens
Steven Pawson
Philip Pegion
Christopher R. Redder
Rolf Reichle
Franklin R. Robertson
Albert G. Ruddick
Meta Sienkiewicz
, and
Jack Woollen
Full access

The Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2)

Ronald Gelaro
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Max J. Suárez
Ricardo Todling
Andrea Molod
Lawrence Takacs
Cynthia A. Randles
Anton Darmenov
Michael G. Bosilovich
Rolf Reichle
Krzysztof Wargan
Lawrence Coy
Richard Cullather
Clara Draper
Santha Akella
Virginie Buchard
Austin Conaty
Arlindo M. da Silva
Wei Gu
Gi-Kong Kim
Randal Koster
Robert Lucchesi
Dagmar Merkova
Jon Eric Nielsen
Gary Partyka
Steven Pawson
William Putman
Michele Rienecker
Siegfried D. Schubert
Meta Sienkiewicz
, and
Bin Zhao
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The Community Climate System Model Version 4

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Gokhan Danabasoglu
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The NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2

Suranjana Saha
Shrinivas Moorthi
Xingren Wu
Jiande Wang
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David Behringer
Yu-Tai Hou
Hui-ya Chuang
Mark Iredell
Michael Ek
Jesse Meng
Rongqian Yang
Malaquías Peña Mendez
Huug van den Dool
Qin Zhang
Wanqiu Wang
Mingyue Chen
, and
Emily Becker
Full access

Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature, Version 5 (ERSSTv5): Upgrades, Validations, and Intercomparisons

Boyin Huang
Peter W. Thorne
Viva F. Banzon
Tim Boyer
Gennady Chepurin
Jay H. Lawrimore
Matthew J. Menne
Thomas M. Smith
Russell S. Vose
, and
Huai-Min Zhang
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GFDL’s ESM2 Global Coupled Climate–Carbon Earth System Models. Part I: Physical Formulation and Baseline Simulation Characteristics

John P. Dunne
Jasmin G. John
Alistair J. Adcroft
Stephen M. Griffies
Robert W. Hallberg
Elena Shevliakova
Ronald J. Stouffer
William Cooke
Krista A. Dunne
Matthew J. Harrison
John P. Krasting
Sergey L. Malyshev
P. C. D. Milly
Peter J. Phillipps
Lori T. Sentman
Bonita L. Samuels
Michael J. Spelman
Michael Winton
Andrew T. Wittenberg
, and
Niki Zadeh
Full access

Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature Version 4 (ERSST.v4). Part I: Upgrades and Intercomparisons

Boyin Huang
Viva F. Banzon
Eric Freeman
Jay Lawrimore
Wei Liu
Thomas C. Peterson
Thomas M. Smith
Peter W. Thorne
Scott D. Woodruff
, and
Huai-Min Zhang
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The Dynamical Core, Physical Parameterizations, and Basic Simulation Characteristics of the Atmospheric Component AM3 of the GFDL Global Coupled Model CM3

Leo J. Donner
Bruce L. Wyman
Richard S. Hemler
Larry W. Horowitz
Yi Ming
Ming Zhao
Jean-Christophe Golaz
Paul Ginoux
S.-J. Lin
M. Daniel Schwarzkopf
John Austin
Ghassan Alaka
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C. T. Gordon
Stephen M. Griffies
Isaac M. Held
William J. Hurlin
Stephen A. Klein
Thomas R. Knutson
Amy R. Langenhorst
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Sergey L. Malyshev
P. C. D. Milly
Vaishali Naik
Mary J. Nath
Robert Pincus
Jeffrey J. Ploshay
V. Ramaswamy
Charles J. Seman
Elena Shevliakova
Joseph J. Sirutis
William F. Stern
Ronald J. Stouffer
R. John Wilson
Michael Winton
Andrew T. Wittenberg
, and
Fanrong Zeng
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Global Increasing Trends in Annual Maximum Daily Precipitation

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Lisa V. Alexander
, and
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The Pacific Decadal Oscillation, Revisited

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A Multiscalar Drought Index Sensitive to Global Warming: The Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index

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The Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2)

Ronald Gelaro
Will McCarty
Max J. Suárez
Ricardo Todling
Andrea Molod
Lawrence Takacs
Cynthia A. Randles
Anton Darmenov
Michael G. Bosilovich
Rolf Reichle
Krzysztof Wargan
Lawrence Coy
Richard Cullather
Clara Draper
Santha Akella
Virginie Buchard
Austin Conaty
Arlindo M. da Silva
Wei Gu
Gi-Kong Kim
Randal Koster
Robert Lucchesi
Dagmar Merkova
Jon Eric Nielsen
Gary Partyka
Steven Pawson
William Putman
Michele Rienecker
Siegfried D. Schubert
Meta Sienkiewicz
, and
Bin Zhao
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The NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2

Suranjana Saha
Shrinivas Moorthi
Xingren Wu
Jiande Wang
Sudhir Nadiga
Patrick Tripp
David Behringer
Yu-Tai Hou
Hui-ya Chuang
Mark Iredell
Michael Ek
Jesse Meng
Rongqian Yang
Malaquías Peña Mendez
Huug van den Dool
Qin Zhang
Wanqiu Wang
Mingyue Chen
, and
Emily Becker
Full access
Full access

The Dynamical Core, Physical Parameterizations, and Basic Simulation Characteristics of the Atmospheric Component AM3 of the GFDL Global Coupled Model CM3

Leo J. Donner
Bruce L. Wyman
Richard S. Hemler
Larry W. Horowitz
Yi Ming
Ming Zhao
Jean-Christophe Golaz
Paul Ginoux
S.-J. Lin
M. Daniel Schwarzkopf
John Austin
Ghassan Alaka
William F. Cooke
Thomas L. Delworth
Stuart M. Freidenreich
C. T. Gordon
Stephen M. Griffies
Isaac M. Held
William J. Hurlin
Stephen A. Klein
Thomas R. Knutson
Amy R. Langenhorst
Hyun-Chul Lee
Yanluan Lin
Brian I. Magi
Sergey L. Malyshev
P. C. D. Milly
Vaishali Naik
Mary J. Nath
Robert Pincus
Jeffrey J. Ploshay
V. Ramaswamy
Charles J. Seman
Elena Shevliakova
Joseph J. Sirutis
William F. Stern
Ronald J. Stouffer
R. John Wilson
Michael Winton
Andrew T. Wittenberg
, and
Fanrong Zeng
Full access

MERRA: NASA’s Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications

Michele M. Rienecker
Max J. Suarez
Ronald Gelaro
Ricardo Todling
Julio Bacmeister
Emily Liu
Michael G. Bosilovich
Siegfried D. Schubert
Lawrence Takacs
Gi-Kong Kim
Stephen Bloom
Junye Chen
Douglas Collins
Austin Conaty
Arlindo da Silva
Wei Gu
Joanna Joiner
Randal D. Koster
Robert Lucchesi
Andrea Molod
Tommy Owens
Steven Pawson
Philip Pegion
Christopher R. Redder
Rolf Reichle
Franklin R. Robertson
Albert G. Ruddick
Meta Sienkiewicz
, and
Jack Woollen
Full access

GFDL’s ESM2 Global Coupled Climate–Carbon Earth System Models. Part I: Physical Formulation and Baseline Simulation Characteristics

John P. Dunne
Jasmin G. John
Alistair J. Adcroft
Stephen M. Griffies
Robert W. Hallberg
Elena Shevliakova
Ronald J. Stouffer
William Cooke
Krista A. Dunne
Matthew J. Harrison
John P. Krasting
Sergey L. Malyshev
P. C. D. Milly
Peter J. Phillipps
Lori T. Sentman
Bonita L. Samuels
Michael J. Spelman
Michael Winton
Andrew T. Wittenberg
, and
Niki Zadeh
Full access

Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature, Version 5 (ERSSTv5): Upgrades, Validations, and Intercomparisons

Boyin Huang
Peter W. Thorne
Viva F. Banzon
Tim Boyer
Gennady Chepurin
Jay H. Lawrimore
Matthew J. Menne
Thomas M. Smith
Russell S. Vose
, and
Huai-Min Zhang

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