ELI Beamlines operates the world's most intense laser system. With ultra-high power of up to 10 PW (petawatt), we use our lasers as unique sources of radiation and particle beams for the fundamental research not only in physics and material science but also in biomedicine and laboratory astrophysics and many other fields.
The center is part of the European Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) project, where we provide our beamlines to other scientists for user experiments. User access of ELI Beamlines has been in operation since 2018.
In addition to fundamental laser research and development, ELI Beamlines is also involved in applied research and addressing a wide range of issues such as improving cancer treatment, medical imaging and fast electronics, preventing nuclear reactor materials from ageing, and developing new methods for nuclear waste treatment.
Thanks to the existence of ELI Beamlines, the Czech Republic has become a host country of top international research, which represents significant potential not only for the development of new advanced technologies with high added value but also for the start-up of new businesses and the income of excellent researchers and technical staff from optics and laser sciences, material sciences, electronics and engineering.
Components needed for the construction, operation, maintenance and further development of ELI Beamlines. ELI Beamlines has thus become an important pillar in the development of regional innovation initiatives.
More information about the ELI Beamlines laser centre is available at http://www.eli-beams.eu/