Other National Awards

2022 XXII. Workshop for biophysical chemists and electrochemists
2021 Docent Lubomír Pospíšil obdržel medaili Prof. Ferdinanda Schulze
2021 Diplom České chemické společnosti
2021 Soutěž Věda fotogenická
2021 Soutěž Nakladatelství Akademia
2020 První cena v soutěži o nejlepší práci v kategorii TOXIKOLOGIE za rok 2020
2019 3. místo za nejlepší prezentaci na konferenci XIX. Workshop of Biophysical
2019 Pamětní medaile PřF UK 2019
2019 Poster award
2018 Other National Awards
2018 Other National Awards
2018 Werner von Siemens Award
2017 Hope Fellowship
2017 Best Ph.D. thesis award
2017 Other National Awards
2017 Other National Awards
2017 Other National Awards
2016 Excellent Research Performance award
2016 Other National Awards
2016 Other National Awards
2016 Other National Awards
2016 Other National Awards
2016 Other National Awards
2016 Other National Awards
2016 Other National Awards
2016 Other National Awards
2016 Other National Awards
2016 Other National Awards
2016 Other National Awards
2015 Other National Awards
2015 Other National Awards
2015 Other National Awards
2015 Other National Awards
2015 Other National Awards
2015 Other National Awards
2015 Other National Awards
2014 Other National Awards
2014 Other National Awards
2014 Other National Awards
2014 Other National Awards
2014 Other National Awards
2014 Other National Awards
2014 Other National Awards
2014 Other National Awards
2014 Other National Awards
2013 Taiwan International Graduate Program Fellowship
2013 Other National Awards
2013 Other National Awards
2013 Other National Awards
2013 Other National Awards
2013 Other National Awards
2013 Other National Awards
2013 Other National Awards
2011 Other National Awards
2010 Department of Science and Technology Fellowship, India
2010 Other National Awards
2010 Other National Awards
2009 Other National Awards
2009 Other National Awards
2009 Other National Awards
2008 Other National Awards
2008 Other National Awards
2008 Other National Awards