Volume 37, Issue 13 p. 4529-4542
Research Article
Full Access

Characteristics of extreme precipitation in the Vosges Mountains region (north-eastern France)

Jana Minářová

Corresponding Author

Jana Minářová

Laboratory Image, City, Environment, National Centre for Scientific Research & University of Strasbourg, France

Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic

Correspondence to: J. Minářová, Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Albertov 6, 128 43 Praha 2, Prague, Czech Republic. E-mail: jana.minarova@live-cnrs.unistra.fr; jana.minarova@natur.cuni.cz; jana.minarova@ufa.cas.czSearch for more papers by this author
Miloslav Müller

Miloslav Müller

Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic

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Alain Clappier

Alain Clappier

Laboratory Image, City, Environment, National Centre for Scientific Research & University of Strasbourg, France

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Marek Kašpar

Marek Kašpar

Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic

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First published: 03 May 2017
Citations: 7


In this research, different characteristics (duration, affected area, extremity, and synoptic conditions) related to extreme precipitation events (EPEs), and the trends in frequency of EPEs in the Vosges Mountains (VG) region (north-eastern France) have been analysed and the events were evaluated on regional scale using the Weather Extremity Index. The index combines three aspects of an EPE – rarity, spatial extent, and duration – and it enables a quantitative comparison of these aspects in a data set of EPEs. In this study, 54 EPEs (which occurred during 1960–2013) were selected using daily precipitation totals from meteorological stations. Although possible maximum duration of an EPE was set to 10 days, all detected EPEs lasted 1–5 days. The prevailing short EPEs (1–2 days) affected smaller areas as compared to long EPEs (3–5 days). Instead of the winter maximum of mean precipitation in the VG, the autumn EPEs prevailed in the data set (40% of all EPEs including the four strongest EPEs). Using the manual and the automated catalogues (Grosswetterlagen and SynopVisGWL, respectively), majority of the 54 EPEs was found associated with the west cyclonic weather type; however, none of the five maximum events was produced by this weather type. The two strongest EPEs were related to the stationary cold front rather than to the expected strong zonal circulation. The EPEs were mostly related to strong southwest airflow and flux of specific humidity. No significant trend was found in frequency of EPEs during the 54 years.

Our results highlight new insights into the extreme precipitation in VG region. We believe that the ranking of EPEs according to their extremity in the VG region provides useful information for local decision making authorities, engineers, and risk managers.

1 Introduction

Extreme precipitation has been the major cause of producing localized urban and widespread flooding, and the rainfall induced major landslides which not only result in loss of human life but also cause extensive damage to property and degradation of water quality despite the presence of a more thorough and improved risk management (Cutter et al., 2008). Thus, understanding the characteristics of heavy precipitation events is critically important to protect against such events, avoid the consequent losses, and develop the engineering designs and regulations for engineering structures and facilities that can withstand such extreme events. The extreme precipitation has become one of the central issues concerning populations due to the consequential recurring severe floods and according to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) because of the threats posed by such events (Barros et al., 2014). For climatologists, the main issue related to precipitation extremes is the understanding of extreme precipitation and its as precise as possible prediction. In fact, we are likely to witness an increase in extreme precipitation events (EPEs) in the next decades which may become more severe in likely warmer climate, thereby making the understanding of extreme precipitation even a more crucial topic.

The characteristics of extreme precipitation are not yet fully understood (Stephenson et al., 2008). Commonly, the studies dealing with EPEs are event-specific (e.g. Rudolf and Rapp, 2002; Grams et al., 2014). Although they provide interesting and important information about an individual event, e.g. of its synoptic conditions, measured record totals, and hydrological and socio-economical consequences, yet they select the event arbitrarily and thus do not allow for an objective comparison among different events. Random comparative studies have also been event-specific leading to event-specific results, e.g. the study by Conradt et al. (2013) has compared the August 2002 and June 2013 Central Europeans floods from the perspective of their return period estimates and its consequences.

A wider data set of EPEs is needed for the better understanding of EPEs based on an objective method for selection of the data set. Among the objective approaches, the peaks over threshold, return period estimates, and block maxima (described, e.g. by Coles, 2001; Katz et al., 2002; Coelho et al., 2008; Katz, 2010) are the most commonly used. The threshold approach considers the precipitation total exceeding a defined precipitation threshold value (Štekl, 2001; Muluneh et al., 2016; Tošić et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2016a; Ngo-Duc et al., 2017), or a percentile (Wi et al., 2015; Allan et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2016b; Yin et al., 2016; Blenkinsop et al., 2017). Although the peaks over a defined percentile may lead to more adequate results because of its capability to reflect microclimates, yet they are based on an empirical distribution. By the block maxima approach, one can examine the yearly (or seasonal) daily precipitation maxima (Balling et al., 2016; Blanchet et al., 2016; Ghenim and Megnounif, 2016). However, it has a limitation that only one most intense precipitation event is selected during a period irrespective of the characteristics of the period (i.e. dry or humid). Contrary to the block maxima and peaks over threshold, Katz (2010) suggested that the return period estimates are more accurate because they are based on theoretical distribution of extreme precipitation (commonly three-parametric generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution).

Minářová et al. (2017) have compared the peaks over threshold (percentiles), block maxima, and return period estimates approaches considering the seasonality of heavy rainfall in the Vosges Mountains (VG), north-eastern France. The study concludes that although the three methods give satisfying outcomes, the results remain station or group of stations specific. Therefore, a more suitable event-adjusted technique for evaluation of precipitation extremes developed by Müller and Kaspar (2014) was suggested to be tested. This event-adjusted technique considers the spatial distribution of an EPE, its varying duration, and its rarity computed from return period estimates; thus combining all necessary information about a weather or climate extreme in one index, i.e. Weather Extremity Index (WEI). This quantification of extremity of weather events (WEI) is very useful because of the more objective assessment and easier comparability among different events in a region (Müller and Kaspar, 2014).

The event-adjusted technique is a very promising tool for the evaluation of weather extremes, and it has been applied and elaborated several times since its first publication (Müller et al., 2015a, 2015b; Valeriánová et al., 2015; Kašpar et al., 2017). A study by Schiller (2016) has proved its applicability on radar data beyond the Czech Republic territory (in Germany) as well.

The prime purpose of this research is to analyse different characteristics of the selected data set of EPEs such as the duration, affected area, extremity, and synoptic conditions related to EPEs, and the trends in frequency of EPEs during the study period (1960–2013). For this purpose, the selection of EPEs data set was carried out using the event-adjusted evaluation technique (Müller and Kaspar, 2014). The technique was applied on daily precipitation data from rain gauges in the VG situated in north-eastern France (Figure 1). We believe that our findings can be applied to climate projection analyses, and may conceivably provide useful and interesting information for decision-makers and risk managers. Moreover, this study leads to additional verification of the applicability of the event-adjusted method.

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Spatial distribution of the 84 analysed weather stations located in the study area (VG). The relief is represented in grey-scale, with the highest locations displayed in white.

2 Data and methods

2.1 Study area

The study area (Figure 1) comprises of VG and covers Alsace, major part of Lorraine, and some parts of the Franche-Comté regions, north-eastern France. VG culminating at the Grand Ballon (1424 m a.s.l.) are characterized by hilly foreland, relatively gentle western slopes, and steep eastern slopes dipping to the Upper Rhine Plain at an altitude of 200 m a.s.l. (Gley, 1867; Alsatia, 1932; Ernst, 1988; Sell, 1998). Despite various microclimates, the temperate oceanic climate dominates at the western part and near the ridge of VG, and the temperate climate with continental features prevails in the Upper Rhine Plain (Sell, 1998; Météo-France, 2008).

The spatial distribution of precipitation is correlative to altitude and the prevailing westerlies from the Atlantic Ocean. The major precipitation differences are due to the almost perpendicular orientation of the mountain ridge to the dominant airflow direction (Sell, 1998; Météo-France, 2008). During 1960–2013, the highest mean annual precipitation total of 2329 mm was recorded at the Sewen-Lac Alfeld weather station (620 m a.s.l.) in the southern Vosges, 903 mm was recorded at the Rovillé weather station (278 m a.s.l.) on the windward side, and 599 mm at the Colmar–Mayenheim rain gauge in Upper Rhine River Plain due to rain shadow in the lee (Minářová et al., 2017).

2.2 Precipitation data set

Daily precipitation non-homogenized totals and metadata from 168 weather stations of the VG were analysed. The data covers the period 1960–2013 and were provided by Météo-France national meteorological network. Due to the fact that some of the time series included large discontinuities, only that data which covered more than half of the study period (i.e. 27 years) was analysed further. This criterion was met by data from 84 weather stations, and the remaining data were used for checking the interim results. The missing values in the new data set of time series from the 84 selected stations were not filled in by interpolation or extrapolation, and the data set was found sufficient for the subsequent analyses. Figure 2 shows the substantial progressive increase of daily data availability for the meteorological stations with time either due to the increase in the number of weather stations or due to the availability of digital precipitation records. The availability of daily precipitation totals has increased from 50–60% in 1960 to 90–100% in 1980 and onwards. Taking into consideration the spatial distribution of the selected 84 stations, the study area VG was adjusted in order to avoid the extrapolation of resulting spatial outputs (Figure 1).

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Percentage of stations among 84 selected and all 168 rain gauges showing the availability of daily precipitation data.

The RHtests_dlyPrcp R-package (Wang et al., 2010; Wang and Feng, 2013), designed for testing the daily precipitation totals, was used to test the homogeneity of time series. The package is accessible at http://etccdi.pacificclimate.org/software.shtml. The computation includes the metadata of weather stations. In our case, 0.4 mm was selected as a suitable value for the error of data measurement in the test based on the estimated maximum error of the different rain gauges used for data measurement in our study area, despite the commonly used value of 0.2 mm for such analyses, which is also suggested by the WMO (World Meteorological Organization, 2008). Lower values (0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 mm) would have produced similar results, as documented by Minářová et al. (2017).

The test highlighted two non-homogenous time series recorded at the Aillevillers and Foucogney meteorological stations, which were adjusted according to the homogenization technique described by Wang et al. (2010) and Wang and Feng (2013). The mean of adjusted daily precipitation totals from both the stations is negligibly lower (in order of 10−2 mm) than the equivalent of its raw data.

The non-zero daily precipitation totals were studied further, and the 1–10 days precipitation totals were assessed using the event-adjusted evaluation technique (Section 2.3) in order to select the EPEs. The limit of 10 days in the VG area was set based on the characteristics of mean precipitation in VG and the Czech Republic, and is in good agreement with the hydrological studies in the areas. For instance, van Pelt et al. (2014) stated that 10-day precipitation events in particular tend to result in flooding in the Upper Rhine River catchment.

2.3 Event-adjusted evaluation technique of weather and climate extremes

The event-adjusted evaluation method of weather and climate extremes (Müller and Kaspar, 2014) was applied in order to obtain a data set of EPEs and to perform comparison among events. This technique introduces the WEI, which quantifies the extremity of an event on the basis of three parameters, i.e. rarity, spatial extent, and duration of an event; all varying and combined in one single index. In the first step, the return periods of precipitation are estimated at individual sites for various time windows separately. Then the resulting point return period data are interpolated spatially, and in the third step that area and time window is identified in which the event has the maximum extremity, which is termed as WEI.

The technique starts by assessment of rarity, which is based on return period estimates of 1 to x-day precipitation totals (1–10 days in our case) at rain gauges individually. The return period was estimated using three-parametric GEV distribution that is widely used for analysis of heavy rainfall. The three parameters of the GEV were calculated based on precipitation annual maxima values by means of L-moments (Hosking and Wallis, 2005). Since such local analysis may create variations in the estimates of GEV parameters and high quantiles, the maximum return period estimate was set to 1000 years. To express the spatial aspect of weather extremity, the maximum return period estimates from individual gauges are not considered. Instead, the resulting rain gauge return period estimates from the gauges were expressed in their common logarithmic equivalents that were interpolated using ordinary kriging interpolation method into a regular grid of 2 × 2 km resolution. The interpolated logarithmic values were transformed back to return period estimates N during t days (i.e. 1–10 days) at grid points i. The values of grid points (Nti) were sorted in decreasing order, since the area affected by an EPE can be discontinuous. The analysis starts at the grid point with the highest value of return period estimate N, and other grid points are added one by one according to the decreasing value of return period estimates, i.e. the area a increases with each addition of the grid point. The spatial geometric mean Gta is calculated step-by-step for n grid points.

The WEI is defined based on the spatial geometric mean as follows (Müller and Kaspar, 2014):
where Nti is the return period estimate in years at a grid point i for t days, and a is the area in km2 comprising n grid points. The resulting Eta is the indicator of extremity of a weather/climate event, and it corresponds to the multiplication of a common logarithm of the spatial geometric mean Gta of return period estimates Nti by the radius of a circle R in km whose area is equal to that delimited by the spatial geometric mean Gta.

The Equation 1 implies that the maximum value of Eta is considered. It corresponds to the inflection point of its curve which represents an optimized combination between rarity and affected area. In fact, at the beginning pixels of high return period estimates are accumulated and the area and Eta increase inflection point of Eta, when it starts decreasing since newly accumulated pixels are of low return period estimates and the decrease of the return period estimates prevails over the increase in the accumulated area a.

The final WEI corresponds to the first maximal Eta among non-zero Eta values computed for 1–10 days (t) overlapping events, starting from the duration of 1 day. All the 1-day Eta values included in an event longer than one day have also to be non-zero values so that the daily precipitation totals within the event are all considerable as sufficiently significant, i.e. as extreme. For further details about the computation and reasons of WEI, we refer the reader to (Müller and Kaspar, 2014).

In contradiction to the widely used approaches for evaluating precipitation extremes (annual block maxima or peaks over threshold), the WEI consists of areal assessment of events – it enables to optimize and delimit the area affected by the extreme precipitation within a wider precipitation field.

Based on the highest WEI independent values (irrespective of their 1–10 days duration), we selected and further examined the first 54 EPEs in this study; one EPE per year of the study period.

2.4 Other data sets

Two catalogues of the weather types were used to analyse the synoptic conditions during the EPEs; a manual ‘Grosswetterlagen’ catalogue (GWLc, Werner and Gerstengarbe, 2010) and an automated SynopVisGWL-catalogue (SVGc, James, 2007; James, 2015; personal communication). Subsequently, a weather type was assigned to each EPE. For EPEs lasting longer than one day, the most frequent weather type during such EPEs was taken into consideration. If the weather types were of similar frequency during an EPE, the weather type assigned to the day of the highest 1-day Eta value was considered.

Since the GWLc provides qualitative rather than quantitative information about synoptic situation during EPEs, the ERA-40 gridded reanalysis (2.5°a horizontal resolution) daily data (Uppala et al., 2005) provided by ECMWF for the study area (5°–10°E, 47.5°–50°N) at two isobaric levels (500 and 850 hPa) at 12 UTC were used to quantify synoptic conditions during EPEs that occurred during 1960–2010. The velocity of meridional and zonal airflow components was derived to provide information about wind direction during EPEs. Meridional and zonal flux of specific humidity was calculated since it was suggested as one of predictors of extreme large-scale precipitation by Müller et al. (2009).

The cartographical outputs were constructed in Esri's ArcGIS 10.3 software using a high resolution (100 × 100 m) global multi-resolution topography model obtained from GeoMapApp (http://www.marine-geo.org/tools/GMRTMapTool/) as base map.

2.5 Analysis approach

The three strongest EPEs and the EPE that affected the largest area in the VG were described in detail, i.e. their synoptic situation was analysed in conjunction with the precipitation totals and river discharges. The synoptic situation was described mostly based on National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis data (Kalnay et al., 1996), and the data from Koblenz Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) was used to examine the river discharges.

The seasonality of EPEs was analysed according to the occurrence of the first day of event in meteorological seasons (e.g. spring for 1 March to 31 May), and a division between summer half-year (SHY) (from April to September) events and winter half-year (WHY) events (from October to March) was also derived from the first day of event. No influence of the selection of first day of event compared to the second, third until the last day was detected in the conducted sensitivity analysis. In order to shorten the terms, summer (warm) half-year events and winter (cold) half-year events are written as SHY events (SHY EPEs) and WHY events (WHY EPEs), respectively.

The resulting duration of events served to divide the EPEs between short and long. Various characteristics of short/long EPEs and SHY/WHY EPEs were studied: affected area, extremity (expressed by WEI), inter-annual changes, and synoptic conditions. The relationship between duration, affected area, and extremity was expressed through correlation coefficient at 1 and 5% p-value levels, and the covariance was also computed.

The inter-annual changes were examined using simple linear regression for different durations. The synoptic conditions were analysed based on the two GWLc and values of synoptic variables (Section 2.4). For the later, the daily means of the derived synoptic variables (meridional and zonal airflow components and meridional and zonal flux of specific humidity) were calculated in VG (i.e. six grid points), and the highest absolute values (i.e. minimum or maximum) of variables during EPEs were assigned to each EPE following Müller et al. (2009) and Kašpar and Müller (2014), who suggested that the anomalies are essential for heavy rainfall. We are aware that the non-availability of quantitative variables during 2011–2013 may influence our results. However, following Zolina et al. (2005, 2013) we consider the influence less significant, since 3 years represent less than 6% of the study period.

3 Results and discussion

3.1 The three strongest EPEs

The maximum EPE (WEI = 120) started on 11 November 1996 and lasted 2 days (Table 1, Figure 3(a)). On 11 November, the highest daily precipitation total was recorded at the Bains rain gauge station (67.3 mm). On 12 November, even 68.6 mm total was measured at the Terre-Natale station situated not far away from the Bains station (the position of both stations is westward from the southern VG). The study area was under the influence of a stationary cold front separating warm and moist air over western Mediterranean and Central Europe from the cold air which earlier penetrated along the West-European coast up to Portugal. A strong temperature gradient in lower troposphere positioned below the front side of an upper-level trough remained for both days over the VG region, as it is obvious from NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data (Kalnay et al., 1996). As a result, heavy precipitation occurred mostly in the southwestern (SW) part of the VG and was not related to orography, which is rather typical for stationary cold front. Subsequent to this EPE, according to data from GRDC, a very strong increase in discharge generated a heavy flood on 14 and 15 November at the Moselle River with mean daily discharges of 1350 m3 s−1 recorded at the hydrological station in Cochem. Flooding was documented in the Saône River Basin on 13 November in the villages of Monthureux-sur-Saône and Bourbéville, where house-marks can still be found (EPTB, n.d.).

Table 1. The 10 first EPEs from 54 selected EPEs ranged in the decreasing order of their extremity (WEI)
EPE Starting date Duration (days) WEI [log(years)km] Affected area (%) Nmax (years) Rdmax (mm) GWLc SVGc
1 11 November 1996 2 120.21 47 1000 68.6 NEa HFa
2 12 September 1986 5 118.86 68 437 61.2 TrW Sz
3 17 September 2006 1 115.86 35 1000 142.0 TM TB
4 02 October2006 2 109.28 65 316 72.0 WS WW
5 23 May 1983 4 102.83 75 357 81.3 SEz WS
6 10 May 1970 2 92.29 31 1000 83.8 TM SEz
7 28 October 1998 1 91.58 40 1000 109.0 WS WS
8 25 February 1997 1 81.66 42 265 106.9 NEa HNFa
9 22 July 1995 1 69.16 21 476 82.0 Wz NWz
10 13 February 1990 2 62.88 31 546 156.2 TM SEz
  • From left to right: number of event, starting day, WEI values, affected area as a percentage of the whole study area, maximum return period level (Nmax) at a station, maximum daily precipitation total (Rdmax) at a station, and the weather types based on GWLc and SVGc. Winter half-year EPEs are given in italic and long EPEs (i.e. 3–5 days EPEs) are displayed in bold.
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Gridded precipitation totals in study area for (a–c) the three strongest EPEs (EPEs 1–3 in Table 1) and (d) the EPE that affected the largest part of VG (EPE 5 in Table 1). The grey grid represents the area affected by EPEs using WEI. The grid resolution is 2 × 2 km. [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com].

The second EPE of nearly the same magnitude (WEI = 119, Table 1) started on 12 September 1986 and lasted 5 days. It affected larger area as compared to the 1996 EPE (68% of the study area, Figure 3(b)). Badonviller weather station situated west–north-west of the Middle VG recorded 61.2 mm on 14 September. As in the case of the 1996 EPE, a stationary cold front prevailed over the region. In 1986, westwards of the front, a trough was present at higher altitudes, and there was an advection of warm and moist air in the foreground of the front. Then shallow lows or frontal waves passed at the front interface and resulted in heavy precipitation in the region. The discharge significantly increased from 12 to 18 September at the Meuse River, Saar River, and mainly Moselle River, where the mean daily discharge increased from 33 to 681 m3 s−1 in Perl, and from 86 to 927 m3 s−1 in Cochem (GRDC).

The third EPE (WEI = 116) occurred on 17 September 2006 (Table 1). Among the three strongest EPEs it was the most recent, and due to its very short (1-day) duration it affected the least part of the study area (35%, Figure 3(c)). The highest daily rainfall total of 142.0 mm was recorded at the Padoux rain gauge (343 m a.s.l.) situated southeast of Nancy and north of Épinal. No strong pressure gradient was influencing the area that day, and according to the SVGc (James, 2007), the synoptic situation was classified to be low over British Isles. Nevertheless, a shallow trough was also situated over Germany, Alps, and northern Italy. The shallow low was present in the early morning of 17 September, and moved towards southeast during the day. The combined influence of shallow low pressure, dominant eastern airflow, and divergence at 300 hPa level in the study area suggests favourable conditions for an EPE. This can also be supported by 90% relative humidity at 700 hPa and intense vertical movements. In addition, convection might have played a role because such precipitation occurs frequently in autumn when the eastern airflow prevails in Central Europe (Tolasz et al., 2007). No orographical effect seems to occur in the third EPE as for the other two strongest EPEs. Though discharges at the Moselle River were not as high as in previous two cases, the increase was more rapid: between 17 and 19 September, mean daily discharge increased from 27 to 426 m3 s−1 and from 67 to 538 m3 s−1 in Perl and in Cochem, respectively (GRDC). A house-mark in the village of Darney demarcates local flooding in the Saône River Basin (EPTB, n.d.).

Overall, the three heaviest EPEs were of similar WEI magnitude, and affected the study area according to their duration, i.e. shorter EPE affected smaller part of the VG. The return period estimates of the three strongest EPEs were very short (if detectable by the WEI) in the VG, whereas the longest return period levels were mostly detected on the windward Lorraine side. This may suggest comparatively lower orographical influence during the events. The two strongest EPEs were not related to the expected strong zonal circulation but to stationary cold fronts.

3.2 Seasonal distribution of EPEs

The seasonal distribution of 54 EPEs in meteorological seasons (Figure 4) shows that the EPEs occurred in all seasons (9 EPEs in spring and winter, 15 EPEs in summer) but most frequently in autumn (21 EPEs). The autumnal predominance of EPEs matches with the seasonality of mean precipitation in the study area only on the windward side of the VG, where the autumn is the most humid season (Section 2.1). The seasonality can also be documented by similar representation of SHY and WHY EPEs with 30 SHY EPEs found in the data set of 54 EPEs (Table S1, Supporting information).

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Seasonality of the 54 EPEs. The black squares represent spring EPEs, grey squares summer EPEs, triangles autumn EPEs and circles are used for winter EPEs. The first, second and third strongest EPE (Table 1) is represented by black, dark grey and light grey bigger triangle, respectively. Note that the EPEs were considered as vectors with the direction corresponding to the first day of an EPE, and the magnitude equal to the WEI value of the EPE [log(years)km], and calendar days in a year are displayed on an equally divided concentric circle.

The seasonal distribution suggests that the EPEs can occur irrespective of the mean precipitation season, which is in good agreement with Minářová et al. (2017). This may also be valid for the strongest EPEs as well since the ten strongest EPEs also occurred in all seasons (Table 1). However, the strongest EPEs (WEI value higher than 100) occurred mainly in autumn and spring, which is in contradiction to Minářová et al. (2017), who found the strongest events in peak summer. This might be related to the difference between station-to-station approach used in Minářová et al. (2017), which enables detection of even very local (peak summer) convective storms. The areal assessment by WEI in this study produced more reliable results for the area of interest.

3.3 Duration, affected area, and extremity of EPEs

3.3.1 Duration

The maximal duration of 54 EPEs was 5 days, i.e. 6–10 days EPEs did not occur (Figure 5). 1- and 2-days EPEs were the most frequent (26 and 19 EPEs, respectively). The short duration of EPEs is against our expectation, which was based on the general behaviour of precipitation in the VG area where precipitation lasts rather longer on average (Parlow, 1996; Minářová, 2013). The short duration may be explained by leeward convection, which is generally short lasting (Houze, 2014) and has been documented in the leeward side of the VG by the Convective and Orographically induced Precipitation Study campaign (Planche et al., 2013). Nevertheless, since the leeward convection mostly occurs in summer in Europe (Barry, 2008), short duration of EPEs in the VG area, which occurred mostly in autumn, is more likely related to rapid changes in precipitation activity during precipitation event in the area. In fact, the event-adjusted method enables to distinguish the most anomalous 1- to x-day EPE within a more continuous precipitation period, which also suggests that there can be more episodes of heavy rainfall within a precipitation sequence but separated by no or less extreme precipitation resulting in the decrease of the Eta. Moreover, since the WEI tends to increase with increasing duration of event (and area) by definition, the short duration of EPEs found in VG suggests its plausibility.

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Frequency of 54 EPEs with respect to their duration: short EPEs are represented in light grey colour and long EPEs in dark grey colour.

Given that the study was limited to precipitation totals available only at daily resolution, return levels at a resolution of 3- or 1-h were not computable. This limitation hindered any comparison of 1- to 3-h return levels with the 1-day EPEs, which may categorize the 1-day EPEs into stratiform and convective.

We propose to consider 1–2 days EPEs as short EPEs, and 3–5 days EPEs as long EPEs because 1–2 days EPEs evince much higher frequency clearly differentiating them from 3 to 5 days EPEs (Figure 5). This division is maintained hereafter.

3.3.2 Extremity and affected area

The more frequent short EPEs were of similar range (WEI values 28–120) as compared to long EPEs (35–119) although less extreme in general (Figure 6). It may imply that the long EPEs are more severe. However, the ten strongest EPEs comprise only two long events (Table 1), suggesting that the relationship between duration and extremity of EPEs is more complicated.

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Boxplots for the (top) extremity and (bottom) affected area of (left) short and long EPEs (divided based on Figure 5), and (right) SHY and WHY EPEs.

Figure 6 also shows that short EPEs tend to affect smaller areas. Most commonly they affected 17–39% of the study area. It is in good agreement with the expectations since the short lasting heavy rainfall events affect smaller area as compared to the long lasting events due to likely restricted time for changes in circulation patterns (Houze, 2014). However, the area affected by short EPEs (6–72% of the VG area) is similar to that by long EPEs (16–75%). The reason for the similarity could be that the data set of long EPEs was too small (only 9 of the 54 EPEs were long) to show substantial differences from short EPEs.

The correlation coefficients calculated between pairs of variables [duration, extremity (WEI), and size of the area affected by 54 EPEs] showed that the pairs of variables are positively correlated (99% probability, except for the pair duration-extremity, where it was significant at the confidence level of 95%). The covariance was higher for the pair affected area-extremity (cov = 215.4, r = 0.45) than for duration-size of the affected area (cov = 6.5, r = 0.43). The stronger positive correlation between the size of the affected area and extremity is natural due to the definition of the WEI value, which increases with the size of the area.

The correlation coefficients were also calculated for the same variables for short and long EPEs, and SHY and WHY EPEs, separately. The short EPEs showed no correlation between the duration and extremity of events, and duration and size of the affected area of events; only the extremity and size of the affected area were positively correlated (r = 0.35 at α = 5%). The long EPEs exhibited the same results between three pairs of variables as the short EPEs (r = 0.68 at α = 5% for the pair extremity-affected area). The SHY EPEs showed positive correlation between all the variables (r = 0.49 for duration-extremity, r = 0.55 for duration-size of the affected area, and r = 0.58 for extremity-size of the affected area at α = 1%), whereas for WHY EPEs no correlation between the variables was found. The results thus suggest that except the natural positive correlation between the affected area and extremity of EPEs following the definition of WEI, the relationships between the variables are not straightforward and the positive correlations are mostly due to the SHY EPEs.

3.3.3 The largest EPE

The EPE affecting the largest part of the study area (75%, Figure 3(d)) started on 23 May 1983 and lasted 4 days. It was the fifth strongest EPE (Table 1). The highest daily rainfall total of 81.3 mm was measured on 24 May at the Orbey-Lac Blanc rain gauge, situated in the VG westwards from Colmar. The event was connected with a low situated above northern Italy and Central Europe. Whereas above Poland daily temperature maxima surpassed 25 °C, the study area was situated in very cold air at the rear side of the cyclone; e.g. daily air temperature maxima were only about 10 °C in Strasbourg. A strong moisture flux approached the region from the north as warm and moist air turned around the low. The hydrological response was extra strong with maximum daily discharges over 2000 m3 s−1 in Perl and even more than 3000 m3 s−1 in Trier and Cochem (GRDC). The increase in discharge was ranked as the second-largest not only at Moselle since 1951 but also at German rivers Main and Neckar. However, huge flooding was also partly due to a particularly high saturation of the catchments, e.g. because of antecedent precipitation and flooding from April 1983 (EPE No. 12 in Table S1). Besides, it is worth noticing that the area affected by the EPE does not correspond with the area of highest precipitation (Figure 3(d)). It is related to both the WEI method that adjusts the affected area based on decreasing order of return period estimates in pixels instead of their location, and the climatic characteristics of the region, i.e. 4-day totals above 130 mm are not as extreme in southern High Vosges where the mean annual total is >2000 mm, as in northern Low Vosges where the mean annual total is below 800 mm. Thus the WEI enables capturing the area affected by EPEs objectively.

3.4 Inter-annual changes in EPEs

The inter-annual changes of maximal annual WEI values of events show that the extremity (WEI) of events was lower at the beginning of the study period and got higher mostly since 1980 (Figure 7). The lower extremity at the beginning of the study period might be connected with lesser availability of data (Figure 2) and limitations of the available instruments in measuring heavy rainfall (e.g. gauge overflow or wind influence on unshielded gauges). The EPEs being stronger since 1980 is in good agreement with the Beck's (2011) findings and with the findings of IPCC (2014), which showed likely increase in intensity of EPEs in Europe.

Details are in the caption following the image
Inter-annual changes in maximum annual WEI values of events during the study period 1960–2013.

No significant increasing trend was identified in the frequency of EPEs unlike reported by IPCC (2014), which might be related to regional differences that have been suggested in the report. We tested 1, 3, 6, 18, and 27 years equally long-time intervals (divisible of 54 years study period) since the trend analysis can be influenced by the selected number of time intervals. All resulted in insignificant linear trends at α = 0.01, α = 0.05, and α = 0.10 except for three equal time slices (i.e. 18-years) that showed an increasing trend in frequency of EPEs in VG at α = 0.10. The trend analysis can also be influenced by the trend curve. Nevertheless, the other trend curves such as exponential, polynomial of second degree and logarithmic also resulted in insignificant trends for the analysed time slices and α.

Figure 8(a) shows that the short and long EPEs were the most frequent during 1980–1990 and no long EPE occurred during 1961–1977 and since 2005. Both the long and short EPEs experienced an insignificant trend during the period (at α = 0.01, α = 0.05, and α = 0.10). The increase in numbers in short events in the latest period correspond with the climate projections by Klimaveränderung und Konsequenzen für die Wasserwirtschaft (KLIWA) (Söder et al., 2009) who predicted increase in frequency of very short heavy rainfall.

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Inter-annual changes in (a) short and long EPEs (Figure 5), and (b) SHY and WHY EPEs during the study period 1960–2013.

The SHY EPEs were less frequent during 1990–2000 and the WHY EPEs were the most frequent during 1978–2002; only two WHY EPEs occurred out of the period 1978–2002 (Figure 8(b)). The trends in SHY and WHY EPEs were both insignificant (at α = 0.01, α = 0.05, and α = 0.10), suggesting their difficult prediction. A similar regional study has been performed for the period 1931–2010 by KLIWA (climate change and its consequences for water management) in southern Germany (KLIWA, 2011). In five regions of the Rhine River Basin situated close to the VG area (from Basel to the tributary basin of Schwarzbach), the authors found increasing trends (significance lower than 80%) in 1-day maximum regional precipitation for both the summer (May–October) and winter (November–April) halves of the hydrological year.

In order to minimize the influence of trend analysis related to the arbitrary number of time slices, the SHY and WHY EPEs were also studied for 2, 3, 6, 9, and 18 equally long-time slices (not depicted). The results confirmed the general trend that was found in Figure 8, i.e. higher representation of SHY EPEs at the beginning and in the end of the study period, interrupted by a period of preponderance of WHY events.

3.5 Synoptic conditions of EPEs

Figure 9 displays the weather types that occurred during EPEs (the abbreviations are explained in Table 2). It shows that the west cyclonic weather type (Wz) prevailed during all 54 and 27 first EPEs for both the GWLc and SVGc. It is in good agreement with REKLIP (1995), where it was found that the precipitation in VG is often related to Wz. According to GWLc, the other most frequent weather types during the 54 EPEs were low over Central Europe (TM), trough over Western Europe (TrM) and south-shifted westerly circulation (WS). The TM weather type can cause precipitation on the eastern side of the VG and in the Upper Rhine River Plain when northern or northeastern airflow prevails in the area (REKLIP, 1995). According to SVGc, the north-west cyclonic (NWz) and south-shifted westerly (WS) weather types were among the most frequent during the 54 EPEs (i.e. after Wz). Two more weather types related to EPEs were found in SVGc contrary to the GWLc, although both catalogues include equal number of types.

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Relative representation of the weather types (explained in Table 2) based on (top) GWLc and (bottom) SVGc that occurred during 5, 11, 27 strongest EPEs (ranking according to Table S1), and all 54 EPEs.
Table 2. Explication of the abbreviations of the weather types used in GWLc and SVGc that occurred during EPEs in VG (Figure 9).
BM Zonal Ridge across Central Europe
HB High over the British Isles
HFa Scandinavian High, Ridge Central Europe
HFz Scandinavian High, Trough Central Europe
HNFa High Scandinavia–Iceland, Ridge Central Europe
HNz Icelandic High, Trough Central Europe
NEa North-east anticyclonic
Nz North cyclonic
NWz North-west cyclonic
Sa South anticyclonic
SEa South-east anticyclonic
SEz South-east cyclonic
SWa South-west anticyclonic
SWz South-west cyclonic
Sz South cyclonic
TB Low over the British Isles
TM Low over Central Europe
TrM Trough over Central Europe
TrW Trough over Western Europe
Wa West anticyclonic
WS South-shifted westerly
WW Westerly, Block Eastern Europe
Wz West cyclonic

Although Wz prevailed during the 54 EPEs, it was not related to any of the five strongest EPEs for both the GWLc and SVGc, and to any of the first 11 EPEs for SVGc (Figure 9). This suggests that Wz is not the prevailing synoptic pattern during the very EPEs in VG and that there is a discrepancy between the most frequent weather types during EPEs and the ones producing strongest EPEs, although we are aware about the low number of representatives for the strongest EPEs.

Among the five strongest EPEs no weather type dominated, i.e. the synoptic pattern was diverse. It is in accordance with the general conjecture about various characteristics of the strong EPEs or their strong sensitivity on selected data set (Stephenson et al., 2008).

Although based on widely used GWLc and automated SVGc, some rather unusual weather patterns such as anticyclonic weather are linked to EPEs, more frequently in the case of subjective GWLc. It may be connected to the fact that the weather types over Europe from GWLc and SVGc are assessed from the view of Central Europe, VG being situated at its most western part, and at large scale. It suggests that the results are catalogue-dependent and not so precise for very regional analyses. Thus the synoptic conditions during EPEs were also assessed quantitatively.

Figure 10 shows that the EPEs occurred mostly in strong SW airflow at 850 hPa and in western, SW and southern airflow at 500 hPa level. Similar findings can be found in REKLIP (1995), where the SW airflow was related to high precipitation totals (Rd > 100 mm) in VG. Analogous direction and strong values are also found for the flux of specific humidity. Figure 10 shows clearly that strong values of synoptic variables are frequently responsible for extreme precipitation. This corresponds to Müller and Kašpar (2010), who found that usually strong moisture fluxes accompany hydrometeorological extremes in this part of Europe. The strongest EPEs occurred when strongest values of variables were measured, which is especially true for the airflow at 500 hPa level. Other synoptic variables can be analysed such as vertical velocity and relative vorticity with respect to EPEs, while our analysis was restricted to the aforementioned accessible variables. Another quantitative approach introducing a Circulation Extremity Index proposed by Kašpar and Müller (2014) can provide the in-depth study of circulation causes of the EPEs and can be tested in future.

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Zonal and meridional (top) airflow component and (bottom) flux of specific humidity at (left) 500 hPa and (right) 850 hPa levels during study period on daily basis and absolute maxima during 54 and 10 strongest EPEs.

Two EPEs were missed in the quantitative analysis of synoptic variables since they occurred after 2010, i.e. beyond the available data set. However, these EPEs were not among the strongest (20th and 25th in 54 EPEs, Table S1) and they represented <4% of EPEs, thus their influence on the results was considered negligible and the results accurate (Zolina et al., 2005, 2013).

3.6 Comparison of WEI with standard indices

The ten strongest EPEs defined by WEI (Table 1) were compared with standard indices, i.e. exceeding a defined precipitation threshold value at a station (Štekl, 2001; Muluneh et al., 2016; Tošić et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2016a; Ngo-Duc et al., 2017), and mean areal precipitation totals MAP (e.g. Wang et al., 2000; Konrad, 2001). Since the EPEs in VG lasted 1–5 days and a fixed duration in both the methods is required, the 1-, 3-, and 5-days totals were considered. The threshold precipitation total was set to 100 mm for 1-day totals (according to REKLIP, 1995), 200 mm for 3-days totals and 300 mm for 5-days totals.

Figure 11 shows that the WEI values correspond with 1-day maximum precipitation totals if the EPE lasted 1-day (Table 1, e.g. EPE from 17 September 2006). The 3-day totals match with WEI values in most cases except some EPEs, for which a station-to-station approach may result in longer duration of such EPEs. The highest fluctuation as compared to WEI values is found for 5-day point maximum precipitation totals, which may be due to only one 5-day EPE found through WEI. Figure 11 also demonstrates that the fixed duration of EPEs can lead to some uncertainties. For instance, if 3- or 5-days totals are considered, the ninth strongest EPE from 1995 may be considered longer than it obviously was or not considered at all. Thus the major advantage of WEI is that it enables to adjust the duration for each EPE without any arbitrary criterion. Even the maximum allowed duration of precipitation totals does not influence the results of WEI if it is fixed sufficiently long, as in our case.

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The ten strongest EPEs characterized by the WEI, 1- and 3-days mean areal precipitation totals (1 day MAP and 3 days MAP, respectively), and maximum 1- and 3-days precipitation totals at a rain gauge (Rd1max and Rd3max, respectively). Note that the y-axis is at logarithmic scale since the totals are in mm and the WEI in log(years)km.

The 3-days MAP was best matching with decreasing WEI values, and the 1-day MAP showed most fluctuation as compared to WEI. More differences of 1-day MAP from WEI may be related to the fact that the short events generally affect much smaller area than the whole study region. In fact, the size of the area affected by EPEs was only 50% of the study area on average. Thus in comparison to MAP where a fixed area is needed, and to point specific totals, the adjustable size of the affected area by EPEs through WEI is another valuable advantage. The results are in good agreement with Müller et al. (2015b), who discussed the WEI with the standard indices for the Czech Republic.

Figure 11 shows that the ranking of EPEs also depends on the assessment method, however a comparison in the ranking of ten first EPEs based on each aforementioned method highlights that seven out of ten first EPEs based on WEI were also recorded by at least one of other method among the ten strongest. Thus the WEI method can be considered capable of providing relevant results, and its adjustable duration and size of the area affected by EPEs make it unique and simple tool for the analysis of weather and climate extremes.

4 Conclusions

The event-adjusted evaluation technique of weather extremes (Müller and Kaspar, 2014) was applied to select a data set of EPEs in the VG region situated at the Western–Central Europe frontier in order to conduct further analyses to better understand the characteristics of selected EPEs. Similar to Schiller (2016), who used the WEI for evaluation of heavy rainfall in Germany in her master thesis (supported by German Weather Service), this study confirms that the WEI is also applicable in France and at regional scale. Based on WEI calculated for Germany and its states, Schiller (2016) showed the non-linear change of WEI values with the size of the considered area. On the other hand, the WEI values can be easily converted to make them comparable among regions of different sizes. The WEI has thus huge potential and can also be applied on grid of high resolution, remote sensing data, and data of shorter periods, e.g. seasonal data.

The main aim of the paper was to investigate various characteristics of the 54 selected EPEs, for the first time in VG to provide new insights into the extreme precipitation in the region. The EPEs data set was appropriate since maximum EPEs caused floods or significant increases in runoff. The results show that autumn was the major season of EPEs though the EPEs occurred in all meteorological seasons. SHY EPEs were slightly more represented than the WHY EPEs. The EPEs lasted 1–5 days, although the analysis permitted up to 10 days duration of events. Short EPEs (1–2 days, most frequent) and SHY EPEs tended to affect smaller areas as compared to the long EPEs (3–5 days) and WHY EPEs. The correlation coefficients showed positive correlation between the extremity (WEI) of EPE and the size of the area affected by the EPE. The positive correlation between the size of the affected area and duration of EPEs was strongest for SHY EPEs. No significant trend was identified in the frequencies of all EPEs, of long and short EPEs, and of SHY and WHY EPEs during the study period. Given that the three most extreme events occurred during the last 30 years, there is a potential to extend the trend analysis of precipitation in future.

Based on both GWLc and SVGc, the west cyclonic weather type occurred most often during the EPEs. However, the strongest EPEs were frequently related to different weather types and mostly to stationary cold front rather than to the expected strong zonal circulation. The quantitative analysis of synoptic variables showed strong SW airflow and flux of specific humidity to be responsible for most of EPEs.

We believe that the ranking of EPEs according to their extremity in the VG region provides useful information for local decision makers and risk managers. We also believe that our findings can be significant for climate projections. Furthermore, we hope that the event-adjusted evaluation technique of weather extremes will attract wider attention and will be applied by researchers in many regions.

Our future work will not only be concentrated on a more detailed analysis of the spatial distribution of EPEs in VG but will also be focused on the comparison of these findings with the results from similar regions.


The authors thank Météo-France, ECMWF (ERA-40 re-analysis) and Global Runoff Data Centre (GDRC, 56068 Koblenz, Germany) for providing data, and the BGF (French Government scholarship) to grant the research during 15 months. They also thank Dr Lukáš Pop for his help in computing the three parameters of the GEV in MatLab. They extend great thanks to Syed Muntazir Abbas, MPhil, who gave valuable remarks during the revision of the manuscript, and substantially improved the language of the manuscript.