Processing and Analysis of Microscopic Images in Biomedicine

  • Termín: 4. 4. 2022 - 8. 4. 2022
  • Místo: IMG Building

The 5-day course intended for Ph.D. students and junior researchers will provide participants with knowledge on image data processing and analysis.

The Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences would like to invite you to the 5-day course „Processing and analysis of microscopic images in biomedicine 2022 (PAMIB)“ intended for PhD students and junior researchers.

The course will cover the basics in image data acquisition, processing and analysis including methods of stereology. Apart from a theoretical background, the emphasis will be put on practical experience. The participants will learn how to use free software package Fiji for basic or more advanced analyses, how to evaluate co-localizations, analyse data from FRAP and electron microscopy data, how to track particles in images or segment objects, methods of artificial intelligence for image segmentation will be presented as well. They will learn how to improve data by deconvolution in Huygens software. We will have a lesson with Imaris software together with practical exercises. Stand-alone practical tasks using Fiji and Huygens will be an important part of the course as well.

The course follows the Microscopy Methods in Biomedicine, the previous attendance of this course, however, is not necessary.

The course will be taught in English.

On behalf of the organizers,
Michaela Blažíková and Martin Čapek

The registration deadline is March 27, 2022.

More information –


preliminary programme (last update February 8, 2022) Programme
preliminary annotations (last update February 16, 2022) PAMIB 2021 Autumn Annotations


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