Vita Zalar: Antinomies of Romaniness in the Habsburg Empire, 1860-1918
Romani History Seminar
On Wednesday 22 March at 6:30 PM CET, we will be discusing Vita Zalar's draft thesis chapter entitled "Antinomies of Romaniness in the Habsburg Empire, 1860-1918"". Jennifer Illuzzi has kindly accepted to be our main discussant.

Kateřina Čapková: “You Ask why I was in a Labor Camp”: Czechoslovak Jews and Roma Demand Recognition of Their Wartime Suffering
23 March 2023, Wien Museum
Wien Museum MUSA 1010 Wien, Felderstraße 6–8 from 6:30pm | |||
Simon Wiesenthal Lecture Although World War II affected the lives of all inhabitants of the Bohemian lands (today‘s Czech Republic) and Slovakia,... |

The Politicization of Xenophobia in Transatlantic Contexts: Past and Present
18-19 May, 2023, Villa Lanna Prague
Organizers: Jonathan Wiesen (University of Alabama at Birmingham) Angéla Kóczé (Romani Studies Program at the Central European University in Vienna) Kateřina Čapková (Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy...

CfP: Roma and Their History in the Shadow of the Iron Curtain
special issue of the journal of the Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences
Thanks to the Prague Forum for Romani Histories, the journal of the Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences, is announcing a special issue devoted to the Romani history.
Roma and Their History in the...