Postdoctoral position in 2D sandwiches, artificial layered building blocks for multifunctional materials


FZU – Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences is a leading public research institution located in Prague, Czech Republic. FZU is the largest institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences with more than 1100 employees. FZU pursues high-quality, innovative, and ground-breaking fundamental and applied research. Our researchers try to understand and explain the basic phenomena and processes of this world and respond to the current scientific and technical challenges of society.


We are currently looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher to join a new, ERC-STG funded, research team led by Tim Verhagen, established to investigate 2D sandwiches.

Postdoctoral position in  2D sandwiches, artificial layered building blocks for multifunctional materials

What you will do:

This ERC-STG funded postdoc position will focus on the growth of a new two-dimensional building block: the 2D sandwich. This is a layered heterostructure, consisting of a mix of layered van der Waals, layered ionic and layered metavalent materials. In the 2D sandwich, an interaction between the sandwich's individual layers is mediated via an ionic or multivalent bond, whereas the interaction with other 2D layers is still solely due to the van der Waals interactions.

You will grow, with the help of PhD students, 2D magnetoelectric multiferroic sandwiches composed of layered transition metal chalcogenides, oxides or iodides using the modulated elemental reactants method in a ultra-high vacuum molecular beam epitaxial system. Using a combination of X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy and optical spectroscopy, the applicant will explore their structure and properties and tries to answer fundamental questions if and how materials with a van der Waals bond can be combined with layered ionic and layered metavalent materials and how the interaction between them might result in multiferroicity.

Your key responsibilities will be:

  • Growth and characterization of 2D sandwiches
  • Publish academic papers and present at academic conferences
  • Supporting PhD, master and bachelor students with their research related to this project.

Required qualifications:

  • Ph.D. in physics, chemistry, material sciences or a related field (must have is either or both)
  • hands-on experience with crystal growth, either bulk crystals, or epitaxial films grown using molecular-beam epitaxy, pulsed laser deposition, chemical vapour deposition or sputter deposition.


  • hands-on experience with the refinement of crystal structures using X-ray, neutron or electron diffraction.
  • Advanced English (written and spoken) is a must
  • Well-developed research skills, willingness to learn new techniques and approaches and eager to explore the unknown
  • Well-developed social skills in order to be able to work in an international team environment and contribute to a pleasant atmosphere

Nice to have, but not required:

  • Experience with high-resolution transmission electron microscopy
  • Experience with optical or electrical characterization of bulk crystals or epitaxial films
  • Experience with ultra-high vacuum
  • Experience with two dimensional materials, either as bulk or few-layer system
  • Experience with design and construction of new measurement or crystal growth equipment.

If you think you will fit our team, but you don't fulfil completely above requirements, don't hesitate to contact us and let us know why you would like to join our team and how you would fit in our team.

We offer

  • Opportunity to achieve a major breakthrough in material sciences
  • 1- 2-year contract with possible extension
  • Full-time or part-time upon agreement possible.
  • Collaboration with top labs in the field of design of new materials and 2D materials.
  • Support of your work-life balance
  • Multisport card, meal allowance, 25 days of vacation + 6 days of personal leave/year and other benefits
  • Training and development opportunities (soft skills, language courses)
  • Plenty of opportunities for cultural and other activities in the Prague region

More information is available at: Why FZU? | FZU

How to apply

Please send your CV and motivation letter with the position title, to kariera [at] fzu [dot] cz. Review of applications will begin on March 15, and continue until the position is filled.

If you would like to know more about ongoing research projects, please contact directly Tim Verhagen: verhagen [at] fzu [dot] cz

Starting date negotiable, but preferably September 2023

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