Francesca Rolandi, Ph.D.

Curriculum Vitae
- 2009 – 2012 PhD, Slavic Studies, University of Turin
- 2000 – 2006 MA, History, University of Milan
Research Interest
History of refugees and migration in the post-Yugoslav space, Italy, and the Upper Adriatic area, cultural history of the Cold War, gender and labor history
Research projects
- Unlikely refuge? Refugees and citizens in East-Central Europe in the 20th century, ERC Consolidator grant, Research fellow, starting 12/2020
- Center for Advanced Studies fellowship – University of British Columbia “Rijeka in Flux: Border and Urban Change after World War II,” 2019
- ERC project EIRENE (Post-War Transitions in Gendered Perspective: the Case of the North Eastern Adriatic), University of Ljubljana, 2018–2019
- “Places, stories and trajectories of Italian, Slovenian and Croatian forced laborers during the second world war", University of Rijeka, Funding program for Remembrance of Forced Labour and Forgotten Victims of the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future, 2017–2018
- “Today in Spain tomorrow in Italy. An online biographical and interactive database on Italian Antifascist volunteers in the Spanish war”, National Institute Ferruccio Parri, 2017–2018
- Project “Illegal press”, National Institute Ferruccio Parri, 2016
Teaching Practice
- Invited lectures at the University of Modena, University of Rijeka, Center for Cultural and Historical Research of Socialism (Pula), Italian Institute of Cultural (Zagreb), University of Banja Luka, University of Ca’ Foscari Venice, The Shoah Memorial (Paris), Historical Institute for the Liberation Movement (Parma).
Fellowships abroad
- 2017: Visegrad scholarship at Open Society Archivum, Budapest
- 2014–2016: Newfelpro/Marie Curie fellowship, Department of History, University of Rijeka
- 2013: Visiting fellowship, Centre for Southeast European Studies, University of Graz
- 2012–2013: Italian Institute for Historical Studies (Naples)
- 2012: CMEPIUS (Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programms) grant, University of Ljubljana 01/10/2012–30/11/2012
- February 2014: Award Vinka Kitarovic, University of Bologna, for the best dissertation dealing with the history of neighbouring countries.
Publication list at MIA CAS in ASEP: here
- “Dvadeset četiri hiljade poljubaca. Uticaj italijanske popularne kulture u Jugoslaviji (1955-1965)“ [Con ventiquattromila baci. The Influence of Italian Popular Culture on Yugoslavia (1955-1965) – translated and revised version]. Beograd: Geopoetika, 2022.
- Con ventiquattromila baci. L'influenza della cultura di massa italiana in Jugoslavia (1955-1965) [Con ventiquattromila baci. The influence of Italian popular culture on Yugoslavia (1955-1965)]. Bologna: Bononia University Press, 2015.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
- “Forgiare la nazione attraverso il lavoro sociale. Le associazioni di supporto ai profughi istriani in Jugoslavia” [Shaping the Nation Through Social Work. The Aid Organizations for Istrian Refugees in Yugoslavia], forthcoming in Qualestoria.
- “A Man Without a Corner of His Own. Domestic Migration, Social Inequalities and Housing in Post-Second World War Rijeka”, forthcoming in The Journal of Migration History.
- “Refugees in the Yugoslav Space: an Overview of the Historiography”, Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung, 71, 4, 2022 (coauthored with Pieter Troch).
- “Who is in and who is out? Escapes, Expulsions and the Creation of New Boundaries During D’Annunzio’s Rule in Fiume (1919-1920)”, Historijski zbornik, 75, 1, 2022.
- “Female Public Employees During a Post-Imperial Transition: Gender, Politics and Labour in Fiume After the First World War”, Contemporary European History, 2022.
- “Redefining Citizenship After Empire: The Rights to Welfare, to Work and to Remain in a Post-Habsburg World”, The Journal of Modern History, 94, 2, 2022 (coauthored with Dominique K. Reill and Ivan Jeličić).
- “Those who Left and Those who Arrived: Population Movements from and to Post-Second World War Rijeka”, History in Flux, 3, 3, 2021.
- "Un trionfo mai richiesto? Partecipazione politica femminile e rappresentazioni di genere nella stampa locale di Fiume e Sušak dopo la Grande guerra," Italia contemporanea 293 (2020): 73-98. []
- "A never requested triumph? Reframing gender boundaries in Fiume and Sušak after 1918," Italia Contemporanea Yearbook (2020): 11-36. []
- "Rotte di transito. Profughi jugoslavi nell'Italia del secondo dopoguerra" [Transit routes. Yugoslav refugees in post-WW2 Italy]. Memoria e ricerca 61 (2019): 349-370. []
- "Il prezzo del sudore jugoslavo. I lavoratori frontalieri jugoslavi nel Nord Est italiano”. [The price of the Yugoslav sweat. Yugoslav frontier workers in North-Eastern Italy] Archivio storico dell'emigrazione italiana 12 (2016): 58-66.
- "Heading Towards the West. Yugoslav Asylum Seekers in Italy (1955-1968)". Acta Histriae 23, 3 (2015): 555-574. []
Other Publications
- “Il campo per profughi stranieri di San Sabba nell’Europa divisa della guerra fredda” [The San Sabba Refugee Camp in Divided Cold War Europe] in Beyond the Border. Sogni e ripartenze dei profughi dell’Est Europa a Trieste (1950-1956), Trieste, Civici Musei di storia ed arte, 2021.
- “Women’s Organizing in a Contested Borderland: the Case of pro-Yugoslav Associations in Fiume and Sušak in the Interwar Period“, in Jelena Milinković i Žarka Svirčev (eds.), Časopis Ženski pokret (1920 - 1938). Beograd: Institut za književnost i umetnost, 2021.
- “Culinary Encounters in the Adriatic Area: Cultural Exchanges and Consumer Practices Between Italy and Socialist Yugoslavia”, in Ruža Fotiadis, Vladimir Ivanović, Radina Vučetić (eds.), Brotherhood and Unity at the Kitchen Table? Cooking, Cuisine and Food Culture in Socialist Yugoslavia. Zagreb: Srednja Europa, 2020.
- “Escaping Yugoslavia. Italian and Austrian Refugee Policy Towards Yugoslav Asylum Seekers after World War II”. In The “Alps-Adriatic” Region 1945–1955. International and Transnational Perspectives on a Conflicted European Region, edited by Maximilian Graf, Karlo Ruzicic Kessler, Philipp Greilinger, 85-109. Wien: New Academic Press, 2018.
- “Yugoslavia Looking Westward: Transnational Consumer Contact with Italy during the 1960s”. In The Cultural Life of Capitalism in Yugoslavia: (Post)Socialism and its Other, edited by Dijana Jeleča, Maša Kolanović, Danijela Lugarić, 191-207. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
- “Tra diplomazia culturale e spontaneismo. La rinascita dei rapporti culturali tra Italia e Jugoslavia (1955 -1965)” [Between cultural diplomacy and spontaneity. The revitalization of cultural relations between Italy and Yugoslavia (1955 – 1965)]. Annali dell’Istituto italiano per gli studi storici, 29 (2016), 513 – 554.
- “A Filter for Western Cultural Products. The Influence of Italian Popular Culture on Yugoslavia 1955-1965”. In Beyond the Curtain: Entangled Histories of the Cold War Era in Europe, edited by Simo Mikkonen and Pia Koivunen, 277-294. Oxford-New York: Berghahn, 2015.
- “Il confine italo-jugoslavo 1955-1965” [The Italo-Yugoslav border 1955-1965]. In Confini in movimento. Studi di letterature, culture e lingue moderne [Shifting Borders. Studies on Modern Literatures, Cultures and Languages], a cura di Gianluca Coci, Mariagrazia Margarito, Massimo Maurizio, 17 – 38. Roma: Bonanno, 2014.
- “Tutti conoscevamo Sanremo. La musica leggera italiana in Jugoslavia” [We all knew Sanremo. Italian pop music in Yugoslavia]. In Contami-nazioni slave [Slavic Contami-Nations], a cura di Ljiljana Banjanin, Krystyna Javorska, Igor Piumetti, 157-171. Torino: Trauben, 2014.
- "Trieste is ours: When the Yugoslavs were going Shopping in Trieste". In Italy's Balkan Strategies. 19Th & 20th Century, edited by Vojislav G.Pavlović, 293-307. Belgrade: Institute for Balkan Studies – Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2014.
- "Una sfida aperta: la storiografia serba e gli ultimi due decenni (1991-2011)" [An Open Challenge: Serbian Historiography in the last two decades (1991-2011)]. In Dopo la pioggia. Gli stati dell'ex Jugoslavia e l'Albania [After the rain. Former Yugoslav States and Albania], a cura di Antonio D'Alessandri, Armando Pitassio, 65-81. Lecce: Argo, 2011.
- "L'immagine dell'Italia in Serbia. Dalla questione di Trieste alla cultura di massa” [The Image of Italy in Serbia. From the question of Trieste to pop culture]. Diacronie. Studi di storia contemporanea, 5 (2011). []
- Pamela Ballinger, The World Refugees Made: Decolonization and the Foundation of Postwar Italy, Ithaca – London, Cornell University Press, 2020. Deportate, esuli, profughe, 48, 1, 2022.
- Peter Gatrell, The Unsettling of Europe. The Great Migration, 1945 to the Present, London, Allen Lane, 2019. Southeastern Europe, 45, 3, 2021.
- Massimiliano Valente, L’Ostpolitik della Santa Sede e la Jugoslavia socialista 1945-1971, Roma, Società editrice Dante Alighieri, 2020. Il mestiere di storico, 1, 2021.
- Sabrina Ramet, ed., Interwar East Central Europe, 1918-1941. The Failure of Democracy Building, the Fate of Minorities, London and New York, Routledge, 2020. Hungarian Review of History 1 (2021): 181-183.
- With Doina Anca Cretu, Conference report on Humanitarian Mobilization in Central and Eastern Europe During the Twentieth Century. H/SOZ/KULT 25/08/2021,
- Radina Vučetić, Coca-Cola Socialism. Americanization of Yugoslav Culture in the Sixties, Budapest; New York: Central European University Press, 2018). Southeastern Europe 3, 1 (2020): 98-100.
- Vjekoslav Perica, Pax Americana na Jadranu i na Balkanu, Zagreb, Algoritam, 2016. Italia contemporanea 282 (2016): 272-274.