The equivalence principle and inertial-gravitational decoherence


Abstract: Since the earliest paper on the topic by Matvei Bronstein [1] it was clear that the equivalence principle is incompatible with the usual separation between a "quantum system" and a "classical detector", namely the fact that the charge/mass ratio is "small". A modern treatment, based on open quantum systems and path integrals, can however directly address this issue, and systematically calculate corrections both in the case of a light recoiling detector and in the case of a heavy gravitating one. We illustrate this for an interferometric setup of the type of [2] and show that for all parameters a "semiclassical limit", where one can measure a phase shift due to gravitational attraction between quantum objects, is unlikely.

Based on [3].
[1] M.Bronstein, Gen.Rel.Grav. 44 (2012) 267-283 Original: Matvei Bronstein, Quantentheorie schwacher Gravitationsfelder, Physikalische Zeitschrift der Sowjetunion, Band 9, Heft 2–3, pp. 140–157 (1936).
[2] S.Bose et. al., arXiv:1707.06050 (PRL) C.Marletto, V.Vedral, arXiv:1707.06036 (PRL)
[3] G. Torrieri, arXiv: 2210.08586