The 3D flow of the Berry curvature in ferromagnets and related topology features


The concept of Berry phase and Berry curvature has become important in solid state physics as it relates to variety of phenomena, such as anomalous effects, polarization or topological insulators.
In this work we present the 3-dimensional vectorial flow of Berry curvature in model material bcc Fe, which features not only monopoles but also higher dimensional structures with its own topological features. Further, the Berry curvature provides a novel unique view on the electronic structure in all three dimensions of the reciprocal space, as large Berry curvature arises from close proximity of hybridizing bands. Finally, we discuss generalization of Berry curvature for non-magnetic materials (non-Abelian Berry curvature) or Berry curvature of Floquet states, describing anomalous transport at optical frequencies (magnetooptic Kerr effect).

[1] O. Stejskal, M. Veis, J. Hamrle, The flow of the Berry curvature vector field, Sci Rep 12, 97 (2022), doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-04076-z

[2] O. Stejskal, M. Veis, J. Hamrle, Band structure analysis of the magneto-optical effect in bcc Fe, Sci Rep 11, 21026 (2021), doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-00478-1