
More than 300 people from two dozen countries work or study at CERGE-EI. Each contributes to fulfilling CERGE-EI’s mission of providing superlative economics education and producing economic research of the highest quality.

Executive and Supervisory Committee

The Executive and Supervisory Committee (ESC) is a governing body composed of internationally recognized economists, tenured faculty at CERGE-EI and representatives of Charles University and the Czech Academy of Sciences. Its functions include ensuring CERGE-EI’s practice is of the highest academic standards, reviewing institutional finances, supervising the efficient use of available funds, and assisting in developing external funding sources. The ESC is also responsible for certain management functions, including recommending candidates for the directorship of the institution.

Economics Faculty

Permanent Economics Faculty consist of approximately 20 outstanding scholars from a wide variety of countries. They hold PhDs from highly-regarded institutions and have been recruited from the international market. CERGE-EI’s policy is to hire faculty members based on their demonstrated academic excellence as well as the needs of the institution. CERGE-EI faculty members are appointed to both Charles University and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

Visiting Faculty

Senior Visiting Faculty from major Western universities have been a staple at CERGE-EI from the beginning. In the early years of the institution, they established the high academic standards that are the core of CERGE-EI’s functions. Today, although there are a number of tenured economists on CERGE-EI’s permanent faculty, the Senior Visiting Faculty still fulfill important functions, including specialized teaching, dissertation advising, and faculty mentoring. They are a valuable source of knowledge, opinions, insight, and culture and are a welcome addition to the diversity and vibrancy of the institution.


Researchers are affiliated with CERGE or the Economics Institute and are typically not directly involved in classroom instruction at CERGE-EI. They work on a wide variety of research grants projects, often linked to important public policy issues.

External Research Associates and Visiting Researchers

Research Associates and Visiting Researchers spend various amounts of time at CERGE-EI, from a few weeks to an entire year. Some work with CERGE-EI faculty members and senior researchers on existing projects, while others come to develop their own projects using CERGE-EI resources. They are provided offices and full access to the resources and facilities of CERGE-EI. While visiting researchers often come through formal exchange arrangements between their home institutions and Charles University or the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, independent scholars and those on sabbatical leave are encouraged to join the CERGE-EI community as well.

Academic Skills Center

The Academic Skills Center (ASC) is staffed by native English speakers with graduate level education related to teaching writing and presentation skills and teacher training, who also have background in economics writing. In addition to teaching the skills needed to produce publication-quality research written in academic English, they assist students and researchers in editing papers and polishing oral economics presentations.

Post-Doctoral Fellows

CERGE-EI especially encourages Post-Doctoral Fellows who have recently completed graduate work elsewhere to spend one or two years in Prague polishing their research and collaborating with CERGE-EI scholars before undertaking permanent positions. Full access to CERGE-EI facilities and services is provided to such fellows and limited financial support may be available under various EU and other programs.

Junior Researchers

Junior Researcher status is awarded to a select group of advanced CERGE-EI students engaged in dissertation research. Junior researchers often work under the guidance of senior researchers and/or faculty members on joint or institution-wide research projects.


Of course, as an academic institution, the core of CERGE-EI is its student body. Over the first two decades of its existence, CERGE-EI has grown from 12 students taught by four visiting faculty to a program that each year educates more than 250 students from as many as 30 countries in its MA/PhD in Economics, MA in Applied Economics and Study Abroad programs. It reaches an additional 9,000 undergraduates a year throughout the post-communist world with its innovative Teaching Fellows Program.

Administration and Staff

CERGE-EI depends on a dedicated Management and Administrative Staff who fulfill the functions typically associated with an academic department, and also many of those that would normally be accomplished at a university-wide level.