
"CERGE-EI has achieved remarkable pre-eminence in economic research and in the training of economists. CERGE-EI scholars and graduates are playing a key role in economic policy design in post-communist Europe."

Kenneth S. Rogoff, Thomas D. Cabot Professor of Public Policy and Economics, Harvard University; formerly, Economic Counsellor and Research Director, International Money Fund  

CERGE-EI faculty and researchers have established a remarkable record of professional careers and publications in top economics and policy-oriented journals. Since 2010 they have published over 400 articles in ISI impact ranked journals, including the American Economic Review (9), Econometrica (3), Review of Economic Studies (4), Quarterly Journal of Economics (2), American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics (3), Economic Journal (13), Games and Economic Behavior (11), and Journal of Economic Theory (13).

CERGE-EI researchers have been active as recognized experts in areas including labor market functioning, taxation, social policies and poverty reduction, R&D policies, stock market regulation, macroeconomics analysis including forecasting, public budgeting, pension schemes and reforms, health economics, and economics of public regulations.

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