Geomechanics and mining research

Workshop, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
10.05.2023  –  11.05.2023
New knowledge and measurements in seismology, engineering geophysics and geotechnical engineering, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
28.03.2023  –  29.03.2023
Prof. Eva Zazimalova visited the Institute of Geonics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (in Czech).
Prof. Zdenek Kalab talks on Czech Television (in Czech).
Joint workshop of mobility project participants, Ostrava, Czech Republic (in Czech).
31.01.2023  10:00
Reportage with Dr. Radovan Kukutsch on the Czech Radio Ostrava (in Czech).
The most extensive science festival in the Czech Republic.
31.10.2022  –  06.11.2022
Prof. Zdenek Kalab awarded by the Honorary Order FBERG.
New knowledge and measurements in seismology, engineering geophysics and geotechnical engineering, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
29.03.2022  –  30.03.2022