

Paolo Pistone: Logic and Approximate Computation: a Marriage of Interest?

20. 04. 2023
Meeting room, Institute of Philosophy, Jilská 1, Prague

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Dan Zeman: "A Polysemy View of Slurs and of Other Evaluative Expressions"

13. 04. 2023
Meeting room, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Jilská 1, Praha 1

Dan Zeman: "A Polysemy View of Slurs and of Other Evaluative Expressions"

Organized by the Department of Analytic Philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Science.

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Gregg Lambert: An Old Question Raised Again: “Is War Merely the Continuation of Politics?”

17. 03. 2023
Academic Conference Center,
Institute of Philosophy, Jilská 1, Praha 1

Gregg Lambert: An Old Question Raised Again: “Is War Merely the Continuation of Politics?”

Organized by the Department of Contemporary Continental Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences.

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Petr Glombíček: Hobbes o smíchu

21. 03. 2023
Studovna Centra medievistických studií, Jilská 1, Praha 1

Petr Glombíček: Hobbes o smíchu

Pořádá Oddělení pro studium novověké racionality FLÚ AV ČR.


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Jan Mazal: Vojenská robotika

28. 03. 2023
Ústav státu a práva, Národní 18, Praha, 7. patro

Jan Mazal: Vojenská robotika

Pořádá Centrum Karla Čapka pro studium hodnot ve vědě a technice.

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Jan Videman: Počátky českého mincovnictví

22. 03. 2023
Akademické konferenční centrum, Husova 4a, Praha 1

Jan Videman: Počátky českého mincovnictví

Pořádá Centrum medievistických studií (FLÚ AV ČR a FF UK)

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Michael Pauen: Why Qualia Need to be Intrinsically Functional - And What That Means for the Problem of Consciousness

09. 03. 2023
Meeting room of the Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Jilská 1, Prague 1

Michael Pauen: Why Qualia Need to be Intrinsically Functional - And What That Means for the Problem of Consciousness

Organized by the Department of Analytic Philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Science.

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prof. Matthew Rampley: Neither Nature nor Culture: Prospects for Naturalistic Theories of Art

09. 03. 2023
Academic Conference Center, Husova 4a, Prague

prof. Matthew Rampley: Neither Nature nor Culture: Prospects for Naturalistic Theories of Art

Organized by the Department for the Study of Modern Czech Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, CAS.

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