odborná kniha / monografie
Tudzarovska Emilija. 2022. New understanding of EU legitimacy and anti-corruption: The role of the representative democracies. Oslo: ARENA Centre for European Studies, University of Oslo. 254. ISBN 978-82-8362-049-8. DOI 1504-8152. [cit. 20.07.2022]. Dostupné z: https://www.plato.uio.no/publications/reports/2022/plato-5.pdf.

The monograph investigates and linkages between the EU's democratic legitimacy and the crisis of representative democracies in the contemporary EU. It claims that the oversight role of the national parliaments and the functional party politics are  necessary factors for the legitimization of political decisions made on behalf of the citizens, for the citizens and with the citizens, with the aim of overcoming the constraints of the democratic legitimization in different national political systems, transformed under the process of Europeanization. 

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