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7 Feb 15 - 3 Feb 25
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These 17 projects were selected from a total of 60 which were submitted with budgets totaling nearly $450,000.

Note that in cases where the award was made to a group of researchers, only the principal researcher(s) is/are named. Each project also includes a notation mentioning the sponsoring institution and the project title.

The projects in RRC 15 were selected in December 2014 and work began in early 2015. The deadline for project completion is December 2015, though we allow researchers a one-time, six-month no-cost extension, extending the final deadline to June 2016. The research teams presented their interim findings at a workshop held in August 2015 in Prague. The resulting papers from these projects will be made available as they are submitted.

Principal Investigator(s)
Sponsoring Institution
Project Title

Petar Stankov
PROSPER Bulgaria, Sofia
Entry and Labor Reforms: Do Firms of Different Size React Differently?
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Judit Kálmán
Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
Effects of Labor Market Status and Education on Subjective Well-Being of the Youth In Europe
Project Extended until June 2017

Esmeralda Shehaj
Group for Legal And Political Studies, Kosovo
The public-private sector wage gap in Kosovo and Albania: an empirical perspective
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Nicoleta Roman
"Nicolae Iorga" Institute of History, Romania
Children, labour and education in 19th century Romania: the construction of a working class
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Nargiza Alimukhamedova
Prague Economics University (VŠE), Czech Republic
Explaining Simultaneous Borrowing and Saving
Paper Being Revised - to be updated 2019

Branimir Jovanovic
Association of Economic Researchers STOKE Skopje, Macedonia
Is there a Kuznets curve in the ex-socialist countries?
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Blagica Petreski
Finance Think, Skopje, Macedonia
Does motherhood explain part of the gender wage gap in Macedonia: Evidence from repeated imputations and Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Ewa Gałecka-Burdziak
Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
Data spatial aggregation in labour market matching
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Aleksandar Vasilev
American University in Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Optimal Tax Progressivity of the Bulgarian Income Tax Code
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Katarina Bačić, Sunčana Slijepčević and Ivana Rašić Bakarić
Institute of Economics, Zagreb, Croatia
City specialisation and labour productivity in Southeast Europe
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Gabriel Bobeică    
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
The Flexibility and Efficiency of Central and Eastern European Labor Markets in Accommodating Adverse Macroeconomic Shocks
Paper Being Revised - current edition summer 2017. Updated Paper

Daniel-Mihai Ungureanu
National School of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania
Testing economic theories of electoral behavior in the Romanian context
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper || Completed Paper 02

Dejan Kovač
CERGE-EI, Prague, Czech Republic
Can Oxytocin be Proxy for Blood Donors’ Empathy?
Extended Until June 2017

Ayaz Zeynalov
Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Natural Resource Richness and Economic Growth: A Meta-Analysis
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Ján Palguta
CERGE-EI, Prague, Czech Republic
Partisan Competition, Accountability, and Public Policy Outcomes: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Procurement and Minimum Electoral Thresholds
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Michal Paulus
Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Structural Effects of Corruption and Anticorruption: Trade Channel
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper || Completed Paper 02 || Completed Paper 03

Jasena Torma
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Financial Literacy and the Effect of Financial Training: A Randomized Field Experiment in Croatia
Extended Until June 2017