Mathematicians and Mathematics at Prague University during the Second Half of the 18th Century

Georg Schuppener



The paper describes the situation of teaching mathematics and its position at Prague University in the second half of the 18th century. In order to be able to adequately present the specific changes during this period, I first explain the development of the role of mathematics as a modern science among the Prague Jesuits in the two centuries before. It is pointed out that the Jesuits initially assigned only a very minor importance to mathematics. From the middle of the 17th century, however, there was significant development. In the middle of the 18th century, under the influence of the Enlightenment, state reforms set in, which also significantly influenced the structure and content of education at Prague University. I describe the consequences of these reforms – that also led to the dissolution of the Jesuit Order – for mathematics. Finally, I deal with the life and work of mathematicians and astronomers at Prague University in the second half of the 18th century.


mathematics; Jesuits; astronomy; Enlightenment; state reforms

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Copyright (c) 2021 Georg Schuppener

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TEORIE VĚDY / THEORY OF SCIENCE – journal for interdisciplinary studies of science is published twice a year by the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Centre for Science, Technology, and Society Studies). ISSN 1210-0250 (Print) ISSN 1804-6347 (Online) MK ČR E 18677 web: /// email: