Instructions for Authors
Current Issue



Current Issue:


Vol. 72, Issue 2, 2023


current issue

Current Issue:

Vol. 72, Issue 2, 2023

Physiological Research

- Open Access Journal

Physiological Research (online ISSN 1802-9973) is a peer-reviewed open access journal published bimonthly online by Institute of Physiology (The Czech Academy of Sciences).

For Authors

Physiological Research modified citations and references in articles published since January 2022.
Authors submitting their articles should follow the new form of References. More in Instruction for Authors.

Publication Fee

Our journal is turning from Page Charges to the Article Processing Charges (APCs) for papers which will be published since 2021.

Physiological Research APCs will be 1155 / 955 / 505 EUR (including tax) per an article. To know more about the prices, please visit our Article Processing Charges (APCs) page.

Call for Proposal of Invited Review Articles

The Editorial Board of Physiological Research is ready to consider your proposals of review articles. More information

The Current Impact Factor


  • Web of Science Impact Factor 2022: 2.139 (June 2022)
  • WOS 5-year IF 2022: 2.369 (June, 2022)
  • CiteScore 2022 Scopus:  3.2 (July, 2022)

  • Highly Cited Papers

    Editorial Office of Physiological Research would like to congratulate authors Jan Paces, Zuzana Strizova, Daniel Smrz, and Jan Cerny, of the Review: COVID-19 and the Immune System, published in Issue 3/2021.

    As of November/December 2021, this highly cited paper received enough citations to place it in the top 1% of the academic field of Biology & Biochemistry based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year. (In Web of Science Core Collection, 28 Times Cited. )

    Editorial Office of Physiological Research would like to congratulate Prof. Tomasz Szkudelski (Poznan, Poland) for achieving more than 1600 citations for his article The mechanism of alloxan and streptozotocin action in B cells of the rat pancreas published in Physiological Research in 2001.(April 2021)

    Most cited papers according to WOS/SCOPUS

    Physiological Research (ISSN 1802-9973) is indexed and abstracted in: Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Elsevier BIOBASE/Current Awareness in Biological Sciences and EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, ProQuest, EBSCO, and by Thompson Scientific services in:

    • Current Contents®/Life Sciences

    • Science Citation Index®

    • Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®)

    • Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition

    • Biological Abstracts

    • BIOSIS Previews

    • Biochemistry & Biophysics Citation Index®

    Journal's Aims & Scope

    Physiological Research is a peer reviewed Open Access journal that publishes articles on normal and pathological physiology, biochemistry, biophysics, and pharmacology.

    The articles are available in full versions as pdf files beginning with volume 40, 1991.

    For more, visit Journal Aims and Scope

    Manuscript Submission

    Authors can submit original, previously unpublished research articles, review articles, rapid or short communications.

    Instructions for Authors - Respect the instructions carefully when submitting your manuscript. Submitted manuscripts or revised manuscripts that do not follow these Instructions will not be included into the peer-review process.

    Open Access Journal Policy

    Physiological Research is an Open Access journal under the Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

    Licence Creative Commons

    As an Open Access journal, we provide online access free of charge plus additional re-use rights. Visit our Journal Policy page.

    Copyright Assignment Form/Conflict of Interest Disclosure

    General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

    Advertising Policy

    Occasional advertising should be discussed with Editorial Office.


    Bibliographic information:
    Physiological Research (online) ISSN 1802-9973

    © 2023 by the Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences