The Institute of Physics has participated in the following projects within Operational Programmes financed from the European Structural and Investment Funds.
OP Johannes Amos Comenius
OP Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness
- Transmission optical elements for securing banknotes and documents using selective deposition of a thin-film structure
- Brain 4 Industry – Innovation centrum (B4I)
OP Research, Development and Education
- ADONIS - Advanced research using high intensity laser produced photons and particles*
- BIATRI - Advanced designing of functional materials: From mono- to BI- and TRI-chromatic excitation with tailored laser pulses
- CoGraDS - Cosmology, Gravity, and the Dark Sector of the Universe
- ELIBIO - Structural dynamics of biomolecular systems*
- HiFi - High Field Initiative*
- HR AWARD FZU - Improving quality of the strategic management in the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- MOBILITY FZU 2 - Mobility of Researchers of Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences 2
- MOBILITY MSCA FZU - International mobility MSCA-IF IV FZU
- SOLID21 - Solid state physics for the 21st century
- STIMUL - Strategic Creation of Intensive Capacity Development at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
*Grants obtained by the ELI Beamlines division, which is part of the pan-European research Infrastructure The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC since 1 January 2023.