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Science Fair 2022

Institute of Geology took an active part in the Science Fair, which was held at the PVA EXPO Fairgrounds in Prague-Letňany in the first days of June. The fair presented over 100 expositions of most Institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences and many other institutions and companies. Much like in previous years, the stand of the Institute of Geology attracted by the display of fossils and minerals but also by thematic posters presenting the Institute activities. Very successful was the observation of fossils with a microscope and geological quizzes: the successful responders could take away a mineral of their choice. The quizzes were attended, individually or in groups, by over 350 visitors of various ages. The stand was visited by about 2000 people! It became attractive for professional photographers, too. Therefore, seven photos of the stand were included in the official gallery of the Fair.

Hyperaccumulation of elements in mushrooms

Thelephora mushrooms are important mycorrhizal partners of woody plants. An international team led by Jan Borovička of the Institute of Geology investigated trace element concentrations in their fruit bodies. In Thelephora penicillata, extremely high concentrations of toxic elements were found, especially cadmium (Cd) and arsenic (As). Among other analysed species, surprising results were obtained for T. palmata with elevated contents of sulphur and T. vialis with extremely high concentrations of selenium.

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