Pro uchazeče o zaměstnání

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the field of Plasmonic Biosensors for Investigation of Cellular Processes

The Institute of Photonics and Electronics v. v. i., under the Act No. 283/1992 of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, as amended by the Act No. 420/2005, and in accordance with the Statutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow position focusing on the development of plasmonic biosensors for investigation of cellular processes.

Our research team Optical Biosensors (team leader Prof. Jiří Homola) is currently looking for a postdoc research fellow focusing on the development of optical affinity biosensors for the investigation of cellular processes.

Do you want to use your knowledge and experience in studying cellular processes? Do you want to develop advanced surfaces for the investigation of molecular systems, medical diagnostics, or environmental monitoring? Are you enthusiastic about multidisciplinary projects where you can work closely with experts from various fields (photonics, microfluidics, chemistry, biology, or medicine)? If your answer is yes, you should apply for this position!


Job description 

The selected candidate will carry out research and development of optical affinity biosensors to investigate cellular processes, especially cell secretion and interactions of cells with biomolecules.

Specific tasks include: 

  • design and development of assays for ultrasensitive detection of selected biomolecules,
  • development of functional coatings for cell adhesion and immobilization of biomolecules, 
  • application of the plasmonic biosensors for the label-free investigation of cellular processes related to oncohematological diseases, 
  • study of interactions of individual cells and their membrane receptors with selected cytokines or growth factors and investigation of cellular secretion of selected cytokines.


  • Ph.D. in biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, bioanalytical chemistry, physical chemistry, chemical engineering or similar,
  • publication record in a relevant field of life sciences,
  • experience in research of cellular processes is of advantage,
  • experience in the development of assays for the detection of biomolecules is of advantage,
  • experience with optical affinity biosensors is of advantage.

We offer

  • interesting and challenging work in an international research team,
  • work on multidisciplinary scientific projects with potentially significant impact,
  • excellent research infrastructure,
  • language and professional training courses,
  • five weeks of vacation,
  • sport allowance (Multisport card).

Terms of employment

Full-time employment contract for two years (with the possibility of an extension) starting from July 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter.


Application procedure

To apply, please, respond to Mrs. Simona Motlová with the following documents: 

  • cover letter,
  • CV,
  • list of publications.

In the subject line of your email, please, state that you are applying for a Postdoctoral research fellow position in Plasmonic Biosensors for Investigation of Cellular Processes.

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+420 266 773 400
Datová schránka: m54nucy
IČ: 67985882
DIČ: CZ67985882