Mgr. Galina Babak, Ph.D.

Curriculum Vitae
- 6/2020 – PhD in Slavic literatures. Department of East-European Studies. Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic). Supervisor – Dr. Tereza Chlaňová.
- 01/ 2020 – 06/2020. Visiting PhD student at University of Tartu, Estonia. Department of Slavic Studies. Supervised by Associate Professor Roman Leibov.
- 01/2018 – 06/2018. PhD Associated at Queen Mary University of London. School of Languages, Linguistics and Film. Supervised by Professor Galin Tihanov.
- 10/2015 – 04/2016. Visiting PhD student at Ruprecht Karls University, Heidelberg. Department of Slavic Studies. Supervised by Professor Urs Heftrich (ERASMUS+).
- 2012–2014. Charles University, Prague. Department of East-European Studies, MA (Czech Republic). Supervisor – Dr. Tereza Chlaňová.
- 2009–2010. Karazin National University. Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature, MA (Kharkiv, Ukraine).
- 2005–2009. Karazin National University. Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature, BA (Kharkiv, Ukraine).
Research Interests
Modern literary theory, comparative literatures, history of Ukraine, history of Ukrainian scholarly migration, history of ideas, history of science.
Research Projects since 2010
- Masaryk Institute and Archives of Czech Academy of Science. “Literary Science in Exile: Ukrainian Scholars and Scholarly Infrastructure in Czechoslovak First Republic.”
- Team member: Lumina Quaeruntur “‘Images of science’ in Czechoslovakia 1918-1945-1968” at Masaryk Institute and Archives of Czech Academy of Science.
- Free University Berlin, Cluster of Excellence “Temporal Communities – Doing Literature in a Global Perspective.” “National academic identity in exile: Ukrainian literary scholars in interwar Prague”
- „European Times (EUTIM)” at Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder. “Ukrainian Formalism and its European Context.”
- Gerda Henkel Fellowship Program at the Center Advanced Study Sofia (Bulgaria). “Embracing Modernism: Soviet Ukrainian Literature and Russian Modernist Literary Theory (1920s – the beginning of 1930s)”.
- Pontica Magna Fellowship at the New Europe College–Institute for Advanced Study (Bucharest). “Politics of Cultural Transfer in Soviet Ukrainian Literature and Literary Theory in 1920s – the beginning of 1930s: National Identity and Cultural Modernization”.
- GAUK č. 884119. “Reception of Russian Formalism in Ukrainian Culture and National Politics of the USSR in 1919–1939”.
- Specifický vysokoškolský výzkum (SVV 260479), Charles University “Literature as Performative Writing”
- Integration Center Prague Grant. Project “UkraJINÁ”: Photo Stories of Ukrainians in Czech Republic.
Teaching practice since 2010
- Department of Slavic Studies at University of Vienna, Visiting Professor (10/2022 – 12/2022)
- Faculty of Arts at Charles University, External Lecturer (2014–2015; 2017–2018).
- Czech Association of Ukrainianists (Czech Republic)
Most Important Publications since 2010:
- Галина Бабак, Александр Дмитриев. Атлантида советского нацмодернизма Формальный метод в Украине (1920-е — начало 1930-х). Москва: Новое литературное обозрение, 2021. 787 с. [Atlantis of Soviet National Modernism: Formal Method in Ukraine in the 1920s–beginning of the 1930s].
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Ahapii Shamrai in search of synthetic theory of literature: 1920s. Slovo i Chas. 2022. № 2. Pp. 28–44.
- Roman Jakobson and the Development of the Formal Method in Ukraine in the 1920s. Harvard Ukrainian Studies. 2022. Vol. 39. № 1–2.
- (With A. Ustinov). Харьковский кружок «формалистов» и ОПОЯЗ [Kharkov circle of “formalists” and OPOYAZ]. Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch. 2022. Vol. 10. Pp. 114–137.
- (With A. Ustinov). Ad fontes: Borys Jakubs’kyj’s Nauka virshuvannia and Formation of the Ukrainian Science of Verse. Studia Metrica et Poetica. 9.1. 2022. Pp. 90–109.
- (With A. Dmitriev). The Postponed Revival, or Maps of Atlantis. Ab Imperio. 2021 (2022). № 4. Pp. 63–84.
- (A. Dmitriev). Форма и немота [Form and Muteness]. Ab Imperio. 2021 (2022). № 4. Pp. 63–84.
- (With B. Tsymbal). V. B. Shklovsky and I. Ya. Aizenshtok. Letters from different years (1920–1960). Matica Srpska Journal of Slavic Studies. 2022. Vol. 101. Pp. 11–25.
- (With A. Ustinov). The Ukrainian interval of Victor Shklovsky. Matica Srpska Journal of Slavic Studies. 2022. Vol. 101. Pp. 41–55.
- (With V. Otiakovsky). Materials to the bibliography of I. Ya. Aizenshtok. Matica Srpska Journal of Slavic Studies. 2022. Vol. 101. Pp. 77–93.
- Vasyl’ Boiko “Formalism and Marxism” (Transl. into Rus., comments). Neprikosnovennyi zapas. 2021. № 1. Pp. 73–92.
- The Avant-Garde and Its Roots: The Poetics of Mykola (Nik) Bazhan. Preface in: Quiet Spiders of the Hidden Soul”: Mykola (Nik) Bazhan’s Early Experimental Poetry. Ed. by O. Rosenblum, L. Friedman, A. Khyzhnya. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2020. Pp. 14–37.
- Valerian Polishchuk and Ukrainian “Avant-garde” group in the 1920s. Rhema.Рема. 2020. No. 4. Pp. 191–213.
- Boris Eikhenbaum in Ukraine. Discussions around the article “Theory of the Formal Method” in the journals “Chervonyi Shliakh” and “Krasnoe Slovo”. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2019. № 5 (159). S. 193–215.
- Ethical vs Ideological in the Literary Discussions in Soviet Ukraine in the 1920s. Historyka. Studia Metodologiczne. 2019. T. 49. Pp. 41–54.
- A Forgotten Detail in the Cultural Landscape: Ukrainian Version of Russian Formalism? National Identity, Avant-garde and Ideology in Literary Discussions in Soviet Ukraine (1920s–1930s). Respectus Philologicus, 2017. Vol. 37. Pp. 51–60.
- Mykola Bazhan’s texts of the 1920s–1930s: between avant-garde and socialist realism. SLAVIA. Časopis pro slovanskou filologii, 2015, č. 4. S. 361–371.
- On the Question of Ukrainian Reception of Russian Formalism: Dmytro Chyzhevsky versus Boris Eikhenbaum. Oriens Aliter. Časopis pro kulturu a dějiny střední a východní Evropy, 2015, № 2. Pp. 9–20.
- Books, love and everyday dictatorship and occupation. Diary of a young girl from Kyiv, 1940-1945. Rev.: Victoria Kolosova. Kyiv daily. 1940–1945, Ed. O. Lazarenko, A. Portnov. Kharkiv, 2021. Krytyka, 2022. № 11–12. Pp. 28–32.
- The art industry of the first Russian emigration: Prague case. Rev.: Hauser J. Sans Retour. Výtvarníci ruské emigrace v meziválečné Praze. Praha: Památník národního písemnictví, 2020. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie. 2022. № 2 (174). Pp. 315–320. (In Russ).
- Сhronicle of undeclared death. Rev.: Galin Tihanov. The Birth and the Death of Literary Theory: Regimes of Relevance in Russia and Beyond. Stanford University Press, 2019. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie. 2020. № 162. Pp. 357–366.
- Artistic Avangard: Ukrainian Version. Rev.: Myroslav Shkandrij. Avant-Garde Art in Ukraine, 1910–1930: Contested Memory, Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2019. Krytyka, 2019. № 11–12. Pp. 20–28.
- Teorie řídicí vlny Davida Růžičky: recenze na básnickou sbírku “Případ nedopovězené slečny Y”. Partonyma, 2019. № 6. S. 119–126.
- Archaický a moderní svět v knize Davida Růžičky Horizont události. Rec.: David Růžička. Horizont události. Veřejný hudlant, 2014. Oriens Aliter. Časopis pro kulturu a dějiny střední a východní Evropy, 2015. №. 1. S. 95–97.
- Topografie skončené avantgardy. Rec.: Praha avantgardní: literární průvodce metropoli 1918–1938 / Kateřina Piorecká, Karel Piorecký. Praha, Academia, 2014. Oriens Aliter. Časopis pro kulturu a dějiny střední a východní Evropy, 2015. č. 1. S. 89–95.