Co nám přináší výzkum interakce rostlin s patogeny?

Usmrtit je, či nechat kolonizovat? To je otázka, kterou rostlině pomáhá řešit její imunita v reakci na všudypřítomné mikroby. Jakým způsobem rozpoznat, že jde o „přítele“ (symbionta), nebo „nepřítele“ (patogen)? Pokud jde o patogen, jak mu zabránit v úspěšné infekci efektivním způsobem? Znalosti o imunitě rostlin nám umožní snížit negativní dopady mikrobů na pěstování zemědělských plodin.

Pracovní listy k výuce jsou uvedeny v pdf souboru níže jako samostatné přílohy.

Použitá a citovaná literatura:
BAKER, R. Frank; LEACH, Kristen A.; BRAUN, David M. SWEET as sugar: new sucrose effluxers in plants. Molecular plant, 2012, 5.4: 766-768.
BUSCAILL, Pierre, et al. Glycosidase and glycan polymorphism control hydrolytic release of immunogenic flagellin peptides. Science, 2019, 364.6436: eaav0748.
FERNANDEZ-CORNEJO, Jorge, et al. Pesticide use in US agriculture: 21 selected crops, 1960-2008. USDA-ERS Economic Information Bulletin, 2014, 124.
GHISLAIN, Marc, et al. Stacking three late blight resistance genes from wild species directly into African highland potato varieties confers complete field resistance to local blight races. Plant biotechnology journal, 2019, 17.6: 1119-1129.
JONES, Jonathan D. G.; DANGL, Jeffery L. The plant immune system. Nature, 2006, 444.7117: 323-329.
KUTSCHERA, Alexander, et al. Bacterial medium-chain 3-hydroxy fatty acid metabolites trigger immunity in Arabidopsis plants. Science, 2019, 364.6436: 178-181.
LACOMBE, Séverine, et al. Interfamily transfer of a plant pattern-recognition receptor confers broad-spectrum bacterial resistance. Nature biotechnology, 2010, 28.4: 365-369.
MERMIGKA, Glykeria, et al. Plant and Animal Innate Immunity Complexes: Fighting Different Enemies with Similar Weapons. Trends in plant science, 2019.
NASEEM, Muhammad; KUNZ, Meik; DANDEKAR, Thomas. Plant–pathogen maneuvering over apoplastic sugars. Trends in plant science, 2017, 22.9: 740-743.
OLDROYD, Giles ED. Speak, friend, and enter: signalling systems that promote beneficial symbiotic associations in plants. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 2013, 11.4: 252-263.
RANF, Stefanie, et al. A lectin S-domain receptor kinase mediates lipopolysaccharide sensing in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature immunology, 2015, 16.4: 426.
SAVARY, Serge, et al. The global burden of pathogens and pests on major food crops. Nature ecology & evolution, 2019, 3.3: 430-439.
VAN ESSE, H. Peter; REUBER, T. Lynne; VAN DER DOES, Dieuwertje. Genetic modification to improve disease resistance in crops. New Phytologist, 2020, 225.1: 70-86.
WANG, Jizong, et al. Reconstitution and structure of a plant NLR resistosome conferring immunity. Science, 2019, 364.6435: eaav5870.
WANG, Jizong, et al. Ligand-triggered allosteric ADP release primes a plant NLR complex. Science, 2019, 364.6435: eaav5868.
WANG, Ming, et al. Bidirectional cross-kingdom RNAi and fungal uptake of external RNAs confer plant protection. Nature plants, 2016, 2.10: 16151.
WEIBERG, Arne, et al. Fungal small RNAs suppress plant immunity by hijacking host RNA interference pathways. Science, 2013, 342.6154: 118-123.
XIN, Xiu-Fang, et al. Bacteria establish an aqueous living space in plants crucial for virulence. Nature, 2016, 539.7630: 524-529.
YAMADA, Kohji, et al. Regulation of sugar transporter activity for antibacterial defense in Arabidopsis. Science, 2016, 354.6318: 1427-1430.

Kill it or get colonized? That is the question which immunity helps to solve for plants in response to ubiquitous microbes. But how can you tell if the microbe is a „friend“ (symbiont) or a „foe“ (pathogen)? And if it is a pathogen how can you effectively block its infection? A more thorough knowledge of plant immunity will help us to find a way to decrease the negative impact of pathogens on agriculture.

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