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T-matrix calculations of spin-dependent optical forces in optically trapped nanowires. The European Physical Journal - Plus, 136, 86 (2021).
. Coherent oscillations of a levitated birefringent microsphere in vacuum driven by nonconservative rotation-translation coupling. Science Advances, 6, (2020).
. Complex colloidal structures with non-linear optical properties formed in an optical trap. Opt. Express, 28, 37700–37707 (2020).
. Entropy Production in an Elementary, Light Driven Micro-Machine. Frontiers in Physics, 8, 538 (2020).
. Nanovortex-driven all-dielectric optical diffusion boosting and sorting concept for lab-on-a-chip platforms. Advanced Science, 7, (2020).
. Size-based sorting of emulsion droplets in microfluidic channels patterned with laser-ablated guiding tracks. Analytical Chemistry, 92, 2597–2604 (2020).
. Using the transient trajectories of an optically levitated nanoparticle to characterize a stochastic Duffing oscillator. Scientific Reports, 10, 14436 (2020).
. Mechanical Contact Spectroscopy: Characterizing Nanoscale Adhesive Contacts via Thermal Forces. LANGMUIR, 35, 5809-5820 (2019).
. Optical Trapping, Optical Binding, and Rotational Dynamics of Silicon Nanowires in Counter-Propagating Beams. Nano Lett., 19, 342-352 (2019).
. Optomechanical properties of optically self-arranged colloidal waveguides. Opt. Lett., 44, 707-710 (2019).
. Passive sorting of emulsion droplets with different interfacial properties using laser-patterned surfaces. MICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS, 23, 65 (2019).
. Perspective on light-induced transport of particles: from optical forces to phoretic motion. Adv. Opt. Photon., 11, 577–678 (2019).
. Spin to orbital light momentum conversion visualized by particle trajectory. Sci. Rep., 9, 4127:1-7 (2019).
. . . Diffusing up the Hill: Dynamics and Equipartition in Highly Unstable Systems. Phys. Rev. Lett., 121, 23601 (2018).
. Enhancement of the `tractor-beam' pulling force on an optically bound structure. Light: Sci. Appl., 7, 17135 (2018).
. Transverse spin forces and non-equilibrium particle dynamics in a circularly polarized vacuum optical trap. Nature Commun., 9, 5453 (2018).
. Accuracy and Mechanistic Details of Optical Printing of Single Au and Ag Nanoparticles. ACS nano, 11, 9678–9688 (2017).
. Dynamics of an optically bound structure made of particles of unequal sizes. Opt. Lett., 42, 1436-1439 (2017).
. Omnidirectional Transport in Fully Reconfigurable Two Dimensional Optical Ratchets. Phys. Rev. Lett., 118, 138002 (2017).
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