
The library provides services to the faculty, students and researchers of CERGE-EI and to the public. Library services include: loans for use in the library and loans to be checked out of the library, domestic and international inter-library lending service, database and remote database access, consulting services (information about catalogs, collections, and utilisation of the library), bibliographic and reference services and fact searches, retrieval services, internet access, instructional sessions about the library, and copying and scanning.

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The Jan Kmenta CERGE-EI Library catalog is integrated into Charles University’s discovery service UKAŽ. This service allows simultaneous searching of printed, digitized and electronic resources available at CU.
More Information on UKAŽ

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CU E-resources Portal ensures remote access to CERGE electronic resources and also to the e-resources of the whole Charles University. Personal password is required.
More Information on E-resources