
Workshop on How to write a competitive proposal for the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 call


Event of TC Prague


MSCA PF_2023_Programme.pdf


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13/06/2023 9:00 AM - 14/06/2023 4:30 PM


online (MS Teams)


Technology Centre Prague is pleased to invite you to the on-line seminar for applicants on How to write a competitive proposal for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 call.

The event will be held on 13-14 June 2023 as the Module 6 of TC Prague’s preparatory series „How to successfully participate in Horizon Europe“.

The on-line seminar shall equip you with practical knowledge on how to tackle requirements on this type of a project. The event is open to researchers who are currently preparing a MSCA PF proposal to be submitted to the 2023 call with the deadline on 13 September 2023.


The seminar will comprise two parts:

(1) An information session on 13 June in the morning will provide a general introduction into the topic, incl. an overview of the rules for participation as well as award criteria and the evaluation process as such.

(2) On 13 June in the afternoon as well as on 14 June (morning and afternoon), three training sessions will follow. Each of them will have a different scientific focus:

·         13 June (afternoon): LIF, ENV, CHE

·         14 June (morning): SSH, ECO

·         14 June (afternoon): ENG, MAT, PHY

Please find an indicative programme of the event attached.


You can register until 5 June 2023 (23:59). Besides the online registration, you are requested to send your CV and an abstract of the proposed project to by the same deadline. These preliminary materials will be used for providing general feedback by an evaluator close to your field to help you better understand the expectations of experts. For the purposes of this workshop, please anonymise the materials provided to us. This precondition will allow participation of evaluators in the workshop.

To help you grasp what the CV of a MSCA PF applicant should look like, get yourself acquainted with the instructions found in the template of the respective application form (pg. 35).

As for the abstract of your intended project, please bear in mind that it should not be formulated as a traditional scientific abstract. Instead, it should highlight the importance, impact and timeliness of the project you propose. The abstract ought to put your project into a wider context, it shall indicate your research objectives as well as ways how intend to achieve these aims. In case you succeed with your proposal, the abstract will become publicly available. Therefore, no sensitive information should be included in the text. As the abstract will be utilized when choosing the most appropriate evaluators in terms of research content, make it as clear as possible so that it is easily understandable to a wider audience.


Only those who have completed the registration form and sent the requested documents will be accepted to join the workshop.

The link will be sent to registered participants one day before the event at the latest.

The workshop will be held in English.


Organizer: Lyudmyla Tysyachna

Organizer e-mail:

Forthcoming events


Training on MSCA Doctoral Networks

When: 28/06/2023 10:00 AM - 29/06/2023 4:30 PM

Where: TC Prague (onsite)

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