Volodymyr Volkovskyj: Definice "ruského světa a Ukrajiny"
Volodymyr Volkovskyj: Definice "ruského světa a Ukrajiny"
Pořádá Filosofický ústav AV ČR a Slovanský ústav AV ČR.
Prof. Dr. Cornelis J. Schilt: VERITRACE: Data driven humanities
Prof. Dr. Cornelis J. Schilt: VERITRACE: Data driven humanities
Organized by the Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History.
Piotr Błaszczyk: On Bolzano and Greek concepts of continuity
Piotr Błaszczyk: On Bolzano and Greek concepts of continuity
Organized by the Centre for Science, Technology and Society Studies, Institute of Philosophy, CAS.
Vít Gvoždiak & Vladimír Havlík: Generativní AI, význam a velké jazykové modely
Vít Gvoždiak & Vladimír Havlík: Generativní AI, význam a velké jazykové modely
Organized by the Department of Analytic Philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Science.
Hans Rott: "If the weather is nice, we'll go hiking" -- Antecedents that make a difference
Hans Rott: "If the weather is nice, we'll go hiking" -- Antecedents that make a difference
Organized by the Department of Logic.
Edward N. Zalta: An Overview of Object Theory in 2 Parts
Jamie L. Pietrusky: Towards a New Framework for Historicizing the Future
Jamie L. Pietrusky: Towards a New Framework for Historicizing the Future
Organized by the Organized by the Center for Science, Technology, and Society Studies, Institute of Philosophy.
Karel Teige’s Marketplace of Art: presenting a new English translation
Karel Teige’s Marketplace of Art: presenting a new English translation
Co-organized by Contradictions and Rab-Rab Press.
Mark Coeckelbergh: Etika a politika umělé inteligence
Mark Coeckelbergh: Etika a politika umělé inteligence
Pořádá Centrum pro technologickou a environmentální etiku - Praha (CETE-P) při FLÚ AV ČR.
Bernd Herzogenrath: Joy is an act of resistance/ Art is the joy of resistance
Bernd Herzogenrath: Joy is an act of resistance/ Art is the joy of resistance
Organized by the Department of Contemporary Continental Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences