2013 2015
International Academy of Qauntum Molecular Science (IAQMS)
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic http://www.rvvi.cz/cep?ss=detail&n=0&h=LG13038
prof. RNDr. Čársky Petr DrSc.
2010 2012
International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science (IAQMS)
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic http://www.rvvi.cz/cep?ss=detail&n=0&h=LA10009
prof. RNDr. Čársky Petr DrSc.
2009 2011
Theory of electron scattering for chemical lithography
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic http://www.rvvi.cz/cep?ss=detail&n=0&h=OC09079
prof. RNDr. Čársky Petr DrSc.
2008 2008
CESTC2008: 7th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry
European Commission http://www.jh-inst.cas.cz/~tchem/cestc
prof. RNDr. Čársky Petr DrSc.
2006 2008
International academy od quantum molecular sciences.
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
prof. RNDr. Čársky Petr DrSc.
2006 2008
Collaboration in Energy and Nanoscience.
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
prof. RNDr. Čársky Petr DrSc. prof. RNDr. HERMAN Zdeněk DrSc. doc. RNDr. Pospíšil Lubomír CSc.
2004 2008
Electron induced processing at the molecular level (EIPAM).
European Commission http://www.isa.au.dk/networks/eipam/
prof. RNDr. Čársky Petr DrSc.
2002 2005
Research Training Network: Electron and positron induced chemistry (EPIC).
European Commission http://www.isa.au.dk/networks/epic/
prof. RNDr. Čársky Petr DrSc.
2002 2005
International Academy of Quantum Molecular Sciences.
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
prof. RNDr. Čársky Petr DrSc.
2001 2005
European Laboratory for Multireference Quantum Chemical Methods.
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
prof. RNDr. Čársky Petr DrSc.