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Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria: what happened in February 2023?
  • EGU news
  • 15 February 2023

On the 6 February 2023, two earthquakes of 7.8Mw and 7.5Mw struck Turkey and Syria, causing the loss of thousands of lives and widespread damage. Local experts from Turkey, with EGU Division Presidents from seismology and natural hazards explain what happened, and why this event was so devastating.

Highlight articles

The extremely hot and dry 2018 summer in central and northern Europe from a multi-faceted weather and climate perspective

The objective of this study was to perform a comprehensive, multi-faceted analysis of the 2018 extreme summer in terms of heat and drought in central and northern Europe, with a particular focus on Germany. A combination of favourable large-scale conditions and locally dry soils were related with the intensity and persistence of the events. We also showed that such extremes have become more likely due to anthropogenic climate change and might occur almost every year under +2 °C of global warming.

Quantifying gender gaps in seismology authorship

We investigate women’s representation in seismology to raise awareness of existing gender disparities.
By analysing the authorship of peer-reviewed articles, we identify lower representation of women among single authors, high-impact authors, and highly productive authors. Seismology continues to be a male-dominated field, and trends suggest that parity is decades away. These gaps are an obstacle to women’s career advancement and, if neglected, may perpetuate the leaky-pipeline problem.

Opinion: The scientific and community-building roles of the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) – past, present, and future

Geoengineering indicates methods aiming to reduce the temperature of the planet by means of reflecting back a part of the incoming radiation before it reaches the surface or allowing more of the planetary radiation to escape into space. It aims to produce modelling experiments that are easy to reproduce and compare with different climate models, in order to understand the potential impacts of these techniques. Here we assess its past successes and failures and talk about its future.

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