Interlibrary loans for libraries
Interlibrary loans for libraries from the collections owned or managed by the Masaryk Institute and the Archives of the CAS are governed by the Library Regulations. Libraries can apply for loans directly by e-mail (see below) or through the form of the Czech Collections Catalogue. Masaryk and historical library collections linked to archival collections (Academia Publishing House, Veda, Czech Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zdeněk Nejedlý's Cabinet, Ladislav Štoll Library and other individual volumes) are preservation library collections and interlibrary loan services are not provided in these cases.
To make a request, please indicate in your email
- Name of the requesting library, sigla
- Contact (library address, e-mail)
- Specify the request: loan or copy
- Author, title, year/year, volume/page range, signature in the catalogue of the MIA CAS
Interlibrary loans for MIA CAS staff
The library allows requests for domestic interlibrary loans and international loans only to its registered staff. If the requested title is in the collections of other Prague libraries, the applicant should make such a loan independently. Foreign titles that are not found in the Comprehensive Catalogue of the Czech Republic are ordered by the library of the MIA CAS through the International Interlibrary Loan Service (ILS). The domestic interlibrary loan service is accompanied by a postage fee; in the case of the international interlibrary loan service, mediated by the National Library of the Czech Republic, the fee is governed by the relevant price list.
To make a request, please indicate in your email
- Name and surname of the applicant (employee)
- Borrowing or copy
- Funding method (for MMVS)
- Author, title, publisher, volume/year, volume/page range