Igor Sedlár: This One Sparks Joy: De-cluttering Belief Bases with Relevant Epistemic Logic
Igor Sedlár: This One Sparks Joy: De-cluttering Belief Bases with Relevant Epistemic Logic
Ondřej Majer: Reasoning with incomplete and inconsistent information
Organized by the Department of Logic.
4th Seminar on the Philosophy of Mathematics
Organized by the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences.
Husova 4a, Prague 1
4 International Consultation on Studying the Arts in Late Medieval Bohemia: Doctrines, Methods and Sources
Hosted by the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences.
Barbara Partee: Psychologism and Anti-Psychologism in the History of Formal Semantics and Changing Notions of Semantic Competence
Organized by the Department of Logic
William d´Alessandro: Mathematical Explanation and Understanding: A Noetic Account
Organized by the Department of Logic
Michele Contente: The Axiom of Choice in Constructive Foundations
Organized by the Department of Logic
XXVIII. setkání doktorandů a mladých badatelů
Pořádá Centrum medievistických studií (FLÚ AV ČR a FF UK)