
Ve výpisu publikací najdete všechny důležité publikační výsledky výzkumu a vývoje našich vědeckých pracovníků od roku 1961.

  1. K. Krug, K. Winzer, M. Reiffers, J. Kuneš, P. Novák, F. Kayzel
    De Haas-van Alphen effect and the Fermi surface of PrNi5
    Eur. Phys. J. B 18 (2000) 595 - 600
  2. J. Kub, V. Brabers, P. Novák, R. Gemperle, J. Simsova
    Jahn-Teller domains and magnetic domains in Mn2FeO4
    J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 217 (2000) 19 - 26
  3. J. Kohout, H. Stepankova, J. Englich, P. Novák, M. Kucera, K. Nitsch
    Hyperfine field in YIG with charged substitution
    Acta Physica Polonica A 97 (2000) 519-522.
  4. H. Stepankova, J. Kohout, J. Englich, P. Novák
    Anisotropy of the hyperfine field on Fe-57 in pure and substituted yttrium iron garnet
    Hyperfine Interact. 131 (2000) 3 - 19
  5. W. Pan, T. Jungwirth, H. L. Stormer, D. C. Tsui, A. H. MacDonald, S. M. Girvin, L. Smrčka, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. Baldwin, K. W. West
    Physical Review Letters 85 (2000) 3257-3260.
  6. O. N. Makarovskii, L. Smrčka, P. Vašek, T. Jungwirth, M. Cukr, L. Jansen
    Physical Review B 62 (2000) 10908-10913.
  7. J. Sinova, S. M. Girvin, T. Jungwirth, K. Moon
    Physical Review B 61 (2000) 2749-2754.
  8. J. Sinova, G. Canright, A. H. MacDonald
    Physical Review Letters 85 (2000) 2609-2612.
  9. J. Sinova, A.H. MacDonald, S. M. Girvin
    Physical Review B 62 (2000) 13579-13587.
  10. J. Sinova, V. Meden, S. M. Girvin
    Physical Review B 62 (2000) 2008-2015.
  11. P. Abreu, J. Řídký
    Study of B0(S) anti-B0(S) oscillations and B0(S) lifetimes using hadronic decays of B0(S) mesons
    European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields 18 (2000) 229-252.
  12. P. Abreu, J. Řídký
    Cross-sections and leptonic forward backward asymmetries from the Z0 running of LEP
    European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields 16 (2000) 371-405.
  13. P. Abreu, J. Řídký
    W pair production cross-section and W branching fractions in e+ e- interactions at 189-GeV
    Physics Letters B 479 (2000) 89-100.
  14. J. Dian, T. Holec, I. Jelínek, J. Jindřich, J. Valenta, I. Pelant
    Time Evolution of Photolumenscence Response from Porous Silicon in Hydrocarbon Gas Sensing.
    phys. status solidi a 182 (2000) 485 - 488
  15. J. Dian, J. Valenta, K. Luterová, I. Pelant, M. Nikl, D. Muller, J. J. Grob, J. L. Rehspringer, B. Hönerlage
    Optical properties of Si+ ion implanted sol-gel derived SiO2 films.
    Mat. Sci. Eng. B 69-70 (2000) 564 - 569
  16. J. Kudrna, P. Malý, F. Trojánek, J. Štěpánek, T. Lechner, I. Pelant, J. Meier, U. Kroll
    Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics in Undoped Microcrystalline Silicon.
    Mat. Sci. Eng. B 69-70 (2000) 238 - 242
  17. J. Slezák, V. Cháb, Z. Chvoj, P. Mutombo
    Study of Pb Diffusion on Si(111)-(7x7) with AScanning Tunneling Microscope: Low Coverage.
    J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 18 (2000) 1151 - 1155
  18. K. Luterová, A. Poruba, J. Dian, O. Salyk, P. Horváth, P. Knápek, J. Valenta, J. Kočka, I. Pelant
    Wide Gap Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon for Visible Light Emission.
    J. Porous Mat. 7 (2000) 135 - 138
  19. J. Valenta, J. Dian, K. Luterová, P. Knápek, I. Pelant, M. Nikl, D. Muller, J. J. Grob, J. L. Rehspringer, B. Hönerlage
    Temperature behaviour of optical properties of Si+-implanted SiO2.
    Eur. Phys. J. D 8 (2000) 395 - 398
  20. G. Juška, K. Arlauskas, M. Viliunas, J. Kočka
    Extraction Current Transients: New Method of Study of Charge Transport in Microcrystalline Silicon.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000) 4946
  21. J. Slezák, P. Mutombo, V. Cháb
    Temperature study of phase coexistence in the system Pb on an Si(111) surface.
    Surf. Sci. 454-456 (2000) 584 - 590
  22. K. Luterová, I. Pelant, P. Fojtík, M. Nikl, I. Gregora, J. Kočka, J. Dian, J. Valenta, P. Malý, J. Kudrna, J. Štěpánek, A. Poruba, P. Horváth
    Visible photoluminescence and electroluminescence in wide-band gap hydrogenated amorphous silicon.
    Philos. Mag. B 80 (2000) 1811 - 1832
  23. I. Mikulskas, R. Šulcas, R. Tomašiunas, I. Pelant, J. L. Rehspringer, B. Hönerlage
    Investigation of Si Nanocrystals embedded into porous SiO2 matrix.
    Lithuanian J. Phys. 40 (2000) 160 - 163
  24. K. Luterová, I. Pelant, J. Valenta, J. L. Rehspringer, D. Muller, J. J. Grob, J. Dian, B. Hönerlage
    Red electroluminescence in Si+ implanted sol-gel-derived SiO2 films.
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 77 (2000) 2952 - 2954
  25. A. Poruba, A. Fejfar, O. Salyk, M. Vaněček, J. Kočka
    Surface and bulk light scattering in microcrystalline silicon for solar cells.
    J. Non-Cryst. Solids 271 (2000) 152 - 156
  26. Local electronic transport in microcrystalline silicon observed by combined atomic force microscopy.
    J. Non-Cryst. Solids 266-269 (2000) 309 - 314
  27. G. Juška, K. Genevičius, M. Viliunas, K. Arlauskas, T. h. Stuchlíková, A. Fejfar, J. Kočka
    New method of drift mobility evaluation in uc-Si:H, basic idea and comparison with time-of-flight.
    J. Non-Cryst. Solids 266-269 (2000) 331 - 335
  28. K. Luterová, P. Fojtík, A. Poruba, J. Dian, J. Valenta, T. h. Stuchlíková, J. Štěpánek, J. Kočka, I. Pelant
    Light emitting wide band gap a-Si:H deposited by microwave electron cyclotron resonance plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition.
    J. Non-Cryst. Solids 266-269 (2000) 583 - 587
  29. K. Nakahata, T. Kamiya, C. M. Fortmann, I. Schimizu, T. h. Stuchlíková, A. Fejfar, J. Kočka
    Anisotropic carrier transport in preferentially oriented polycrystalline silicon films fabricated by very-high-frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition using fluorinated source gas.
    J. Non-Cryst. Solids 266-269 (2000) 341 - 346
  30. L. Juha, M.Fárníková, V. Hamplová, J. Kodymová, A. Müllerová, J. Krása, L. Láska, O.Špalek, P. Kubát, I. Stibor, E. Koudoumas, S. Couris
    The role ofthe oxygen molecules in the photolysis of fullerenes
    Fuller. Sci. Technol. 8 (2000) 289
  31. J. F. Cochran, A. Kurn, Z. Frait
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 210 (2000) 42-48.
  32. I. Vávra, J. Bydžovský, P. Švec, J. Dérer, V. Kamberský, Z. Frait, R. Lopušník, P. Šturc, G. Hilscher
    Physica B: Condensed Matter 284-288 (2000) 1241-1242.
  33. M. Jirsa, M. R. Koblischka, T. Higuchi, M. Muralidhar, M. Murakami
    Physica C: Superconductivity 338 (2000) 235-245.
  34. V.A. Bokov, V.V. Volkov, N.L. Petrichenko, Z. Frait
    Physics of the Solid State 42 (2000) 2250-2253.
  35. K. R. Pirota, L. Kraus, H. Chiriac, M. Knobel
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 221 (2000) L243-L247.
  36. V. Soyka, L. Kraus, Z. Frait, M. Šícha, L. Jastrabík
    Magnetic and electric transport properties of Fe-Hf-O films prepared by supersonic plasma jet method
    Acta Physica Polonica A 97 (2000) 515-518.
  37. M. Jirsa, M. R. Koblischka, M. Murakami, G. Perkins, D. Caplin
    Physica B: Condensed Matter 284-288 (2000) 851-852.
  38. T.H. Johansen, D.V. Shantsev, M.R. Koblischka, Y.M. Galperin, P. Nálevka, M. Jirsa
    Physica C: Superconductivity 341-348 (2000) 1443-1444.
  39. Y. Y. Melikhov, I. Tomáš, J. Kadlecová, A. Perevertov
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 215-216 (2000) 27-29.
  40. P. Butvin, B. Butvinová, Z. Frait, J. Sitek, P. Švec
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 215-216 (2000) 293-296.
  41. L. Kraus, H. Chiriac, T. - A. Óvari
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 215-216 (2000) 343-345.
  42. S. N. Kane, A. Gupta, L. Kraus, P. Duhaj
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 215-216 (2000) 375-377.
  43. P. Nálevka, M. Jirsa, M.R. Koblischka, V.V. Pan, D. Dew-Hughes, S. Huang
    Alternative approach to the hysteresis of transport current in Bi-based tapes
    Proc. 4th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS´99), Barcelona (Spain), September 14-17, 1999, Vol. 1 Large Scale Applications. Inst.Phys.Conf. Ser. No 167 (2000) 919-922.
  44. I. Tomáš, Ye. Melikhov, J. Kadlecová, A. Perevertov
    Preisach model of magnetic hysteresis for ENDE
    4th Int.Workshop on Electromagn.Nondestructive Evaluation (ENDE´99), Des Moines (USA), August 1999. Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol. 17, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (IV), eds. S.S. Udpa et al., IOS Press, 2000, p. 120-126.
  45. Advantages and drawbacks of Preisach-like hysteresis evaluation for non-destructive material testing
    Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol. 17, Non-Linear Electromagnetic Systems (ISEM´99), eds. P. Di Barba and A. Savini, IOS Press, 2000, p. 309-312.
  46. K. R. Pirota, L. Kraus, M. Knobel, P. G. Pagliuso, C. Rettori
    Physical Review B 60 (2000) 6685-6691.
  47. F. Nieto, A. Tarasenko, C. Uebing
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2 (2000) 3453-3459.
  48. A. Tarasenko, F. Nieto, L. Jastrabík, C. Uebing
    European Physical Journal B 12 (2000) 311-322.
  49. F. Nieto, A. Tarasenko, C. Uebing
    Europhysics Letters 51 (2000) 363-364.
  50. E.G. Bortchagovsky, A. Dejneka, M. Glogarová V. Hamplová, L. Jastrabík, M. Kašpar
    Ferroelectrics 244 (2000) 616-622.