FZU Colloquium: Responsive polymers on nanostructures, triggered vesicular release systems, and bacteria at interfaces


Erik Reimhult
Institute of Biologically inspired materials, Department of Bionanosciences, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria

Responsive polymers on nanostructures, triggered vesicular release systems, and bacteria at interfaces


In this presentation, I will provide an overview of biointerface research in my research group. The focus will be on the synthesis of polymer brushes on superparamagnetic nanoparticles but extending generally to the influence of nanoscale morphology and topology of brushes on their thermoresponiveness and protein interactions. Further, I will introduce magnetothermal actuation of polymer and lipid phase transitions as a way to control, e.g., drug release from vesicular systems, by external magnetic fields. If time allows, I will also shortly introduce our approaches to study biofilm formation and the interactions of bacteria with liquid and solid interfaces using holographic microscopy and other physicochemical techniques.

The colloquium will be held in English. Organised by Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
