Institute of Experimental Medicine CAS

Basic Training


The basic course is mandatory for every user.

The course has usually two lessons lasting two hours. The user gets basic theoretical background during the first lesson and acquires first image with help of the technician. The second lesson will be more practical, and the user will learn to work independently.

The course can be adapted to user’s individual needs and abilities. It is possible to shorten the lesson in case of advanced users. It is also possible to add more lessons if it is necessary.

It is very useful to bring own samples, but it is not necessary.


Contact: Barbora Hyklová, 2718



Other trainings and consultations


Trained users, who have not used microscope for more than 12 months, must attend the renewal course.  The course has a form of supervisor’s assistance during user’s experiment.

We provide trainings and assistance for more specialized methods and techniques, which are not included in basic course. These methods are super-resolution microscopy with Airy Scan detector, multiphoton microscopy, FRAP (fluorescence recovery after photobleaching), incubation (temperature and atmosphere control) or DIC (Differential interference contrast) setting. We also offer the consultation and assistance with experiment design or advanced microscope setting.


Contact: Barbora Hyklová, 2718