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This year’s photography competition named The Charm of Physics is now open – apart from the current and former FZU employees – to high school students. Each contestant can submit up to 5 photos. The submission deadline is 31 October 2022.

Just like the Czech Academy of Sciences organising their photo contest Photogenic Science for everybody, we also decided not to restrict access to our competition to researchers only. The Physics Photography 2022 is an extension to the previous contest for the employees of the Institute of Physics. In the past, it would attract over one hundred interesting works every year.

We believe that there is the potential in science photography as an art discipline. This is why we decided to use the submitted photos taken either during research, school science lessons or free-time activities to compile a wall calendar for the coming year 2023.

This year’s topic is The Charm of Physics. It focuses on the interaction of physics and imagination. In it, we want to address how physics and science photography can help reject the common stereotypes of this research discipline.

“Images help create our perception of the world, which is why a photo competition is surely an excellent opportunity to show that physics is far from being a boring subject, and, with the help of aesthetically pleasing photos, we will be able to draw the viewers‘ attention to the discipline’s inner charm,” Michael Prouza, the FZU Director, said.

We want to invite primarily secondary school students to agree with their physics teachers to use their physics lessons or any other place to capture the mysterious moments where physics is at its most charming using their phone or camera.

Submission conditions

If you want to participate, you must send in a series of up to five photos.

Your photos must be relevant to the topic Charm of Physics.

The topic is open to experimental renditions.

Everybody can sign up, but the contest is primarily focused on current and former employees of the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences and high school students.


It’s very important that we receive your photos by 31 October 2022, noon (CET). Any submissions delivered after the deadline will not be considered for evaluation.

Winner announcement:  8th November 2022.

Sign up at fotosoutez [at] fzu [dot] cz


