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List of employees of the Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS
Name |
Room |
Phone |
Department |
babak@mua.cas.cz | B 206 | +420 286 010 573 |
Department for History of the Academy of Sciences |
bahenska@mua.cas.cz | A 203 | +420 286 010 118 |
Department of Personal and Historical Fonds |
baran@mua.cas.cz | B -112 | +420 286 010 545 |
Publishers |
bartakova@mua.cas.cz | B 108 | +420 286 010 558 |
Department for Modern Social and Cultural History |
benda@mua.cas.cz | A 108 | +420 286 010 124 |
Department of Technical and Economic Administration |
bohacek@mua.cas.cz | A 208 | +420 286 010 134 |
Department of Institutional Fonds Department of the Director's Secretariat |
brabec@mua.cas.cz | B 205 |
Department for Modern Political and Intellectual History |
bradlerova@mua.cas.cz | A 210 | +420 286 010 114 |
Department of Institutional Fonds |
cretu@mua.cas.cz |
Department for Modern Social and Cultural History |
cerna@mua.cas.cz | B 211 | +420 286 010 568 |
Department of Cataloguing and Study of Manuscripts |
dolezal@mua.cas.cz | A 212 | +420 286 010 115 |
Department of Institutional Fonds |
vdoubek@post.cz | B 114 | +420 286 010 560 |
Department for Modern Political and Intellectual History |
dvorackova@mua.cas.cz | B 207 | +420 286 010 576 |
Department for History of the Academy of Sciences |
dvorakova@mua.cas.cz | B -113 | +420 286 010 543 |
Library Unit |
franc@mua.cas.cz | B 209 | +420 286 010 123 |
Department for History of the Academy of Sciences |
frankl@mua.cas.cz | B 109 | +420 286 010 556 |
Department for Modern Social and Cultural History |
gecko@mua.cas.cz | B 210 | +420 286 010 578 |
Department for History of the Academy of Sciences |
habova@mua.cas.cz | A 212 | +420 286 010 115 |
Department for the Promotion of Science and Research |
hajic@mua.cas.cz | HC 305 | +420 286 010 520 |
Department of Cataloguing and Study of Manuscripts |
hajkova@mua.cas.cz | B 307 | +420 286 010 585 |
Department for Modern Social and Cultural History |
halek@mua.cas.cz | A 209 | +420 286 010 113 |
Department of Institutional Fonds |
hallas@mua.cas.cz | HC 304 | +420 286 010 529 |
Department of Cataloguing and Study of Manuscripts |
hamza@mua.cas.cz | A 104 | +420 286 010 133 |
Department of Technical and Economic Administration |
hanys@mua.cas.cz | B 306 | +420 286 010 566 |
Department for Modern Political and Intellectual History |
herc@mua.cas.cz | B 114 | +420 286 010 559 |
Department for Modern Social and Cultural History |
horak@mua.cas.cz | B 306 | +420 286 010 587 |
Department for Modern Social and Cultural History |
hradilova@mua.cas.cz | B 212 | +420 286 010 572 |
Department of Cataloguing and Study of Manuscripts |
hron@mua.cas.cz | A 203 | +420 286 010 118 |
Department for the Promotion of Science and Research |
hules@mua.cas.cz | A 111 | +420 286 010 126 |
Publishers |
chodejovsky@mua.cas.cz | A 106 | +420 286 010 120 |
Department of Institutional Fonds |
ovidiu.iudean@gmail.com |
Department for Modern Political and Intellectual History |
jemelka@mua.cas.cz | B 115 | +420 286 010 564 |
Department for Modern Social and Cultural History |
jindriskova@mua.cas.cz | B 113 | +420 286 010 553 |
Department for Modern Political and Intellectual History |
jonakova@mua.cas.cz | A 211 | +420 286 010 580 |
Department of Personal and Historical Fonds |
junovamackova@mua.cas.cz | B 207 | +420 286 010 111 |
Department for History of the Academy of Sciences |
kabova@mua.cas.cz | A 205 | +420 286 010 116 |
Department of Personal and Historical Fonds |
kaucka@mua.cas.cz | B 308 |
Department for Modern Social and Cultural History |
keller@mua.cas.cz | A 208 | +420 286 010 134 |
Department of Institutional Fonds |
klecacky@mua.cas.cz | B 309 | +420 286 010 588 |
Department for the Promotion of Science and Research Department for Modern Political and Intellectual History |
klement@mua.cas.cz | B 107 | +420 286 010 561 |
Department for the Promotion of Science and Research Department for Modern Political and Intellectual History |
kmochova@mua.cas.cz | A -104 | +420 286 010 129 | ||
kokesova@mua.cas.cz | A 204 | +420 286 010 117 |
Department of Personal and Historical Fonds |
koutkova@mua.cas.cz |
Department for Modern Social and Cultural History |
kraitlova@mua.cas.cz | B -114 | +420 286 010 541 |
Library Unit |
kralikova@mua.cas.cz | HB | +420 286 010 121 |
Library Unit |
kucera@mua.cas.cz | A 214 | +420 286 010 112 |
Department for Modern Social and Cultural History |
kurz@mua.cas.cz | B 213 | +420 286 010 569 |
Department for Modern Political and Intellectual History |
kvetova@mua.cas.cz | A 206 | +420 286 010 135 |
Department of Personal and Historical Fonds |
loncikova@mua.cas.cz | B 108 | +420 286 010 557 |
Department for Modern Social and Cultural History |
madlova@mua.cas.cz | A 210 | +420 286 010 114 |
Department of Institutional Fonds |
malinska@mua.cas.cz | B 112 | +420 286 010 551 |
Department for Modern Political and Intellectual History |
martinovska@mua.cas.cz | A 206 | +420 286 010 135 |
Department of Personal and Historical Fonds |
daniela_marza@yahoo.com |
Department for Modern Political and Intellectual History |
merhautova@mua.cas.cz | B 111 | +420 286 010 549 |
Department for Modern Political and Intellectual History |
moskovic@mua.cas.cz | A 209 | +420 286 010 113 |
Department of Institutional Fonds |
olsakova@mua.cas.cz |
Department for History of the Academy of Sciences |
paljudit@gmail.com |
Department for Modern Political and Intellectual History |
pavlicek@mua.cas.cz | A 211 | +420 286 010 580 |
Department of Personal and Historical Fonds |
vpavlicek@mua.cas.cz | A 207 | +420 286 010 136 |
Department of Personal and Historical Fonds |
pavlistikova@mua.cas.cz | A 213 | +420 286 010 110 |
Department of the Director's Secretariat |
plzakova@mua.cas.cz | B 107 | +420 286 010 562 |
Department for Modern Social and Cultural History |
polakova@mua.cas.cz | A 207 | +420 286 010 136 |
Department of Technical and Economic Administration |
vladutpopovici@yahoo.com |
Department for Modern Political and Intellectual History |
reinke@mua.cas.cz |
Department for Modern Social and Cultural History |
rolandi@mua.cas.cz |
Department for Modern Social and Cultural History |
rihova@mua.cas.cz |
Department for History of the Academy of Sciences |
sedlicka@mua.cas.cz | B 108 | +420 286 010 557 |
Department for Modern Social and Cultural History |
andreisora@yahoo.com |
Department for Modern Political and Intellectual History |
studeny@mua.cas.cz |
Department for History of the Academy of Sciences |
surman@mua.cas.cz | B 206 | +420 286 010 589 |
Department for History of the Academy of Sciences |
sedivy@mua.cas.cz | A 207 | +420 286 010 136 |
Department of Personal and Historical Fonds |
smidrkal@mua.cas.cz | B 308 | +420 286 010 583 |
Department for Modern Social and Cultural History |
smidrkalova@mua.cas.cz | B 210 | +420 286 010 574 |
Department for History of the Academy of Sciences |
soukal@mua.cas.cz | B 209 | +420 286 010 579 |
Department for History of the Academy of Sciences |
srajerova@mua.cas.cz | A 108 | +420 286 010 575 |
Department of Technical and Economic Administration |
stofanik@mua.cas.cz | B 115 | +420 286 010 563 |
Department for Modern Political and Intellectual History |
karasova@mua.cas.cz | B 109 | +420 286 010 557 |
Department for Modern Social and Cultural History |
tomes@mua.cas.cz | B 112 | +420 286 010 552 |
Department for Modern Political and Intellectual History |
etumova@mua.cas.cz | A 109 | +420 286 010 595 |
Department of Technical and Economic Administration |
vasek@mua.cas.cz | B 113 | +420 286 010 554 |
Department for Modern Political and Intellectual History |
velek@mua.cas.cz | B 205 | +420 286 010 550 |
Department for Modern Political and Intellectual History |
vvelek@mua.cas.cz | HC 306 | +420 286 010 526 |
Department of Cataloguing and Study of Manuscripts |
vlhova@mua.cas.cz | HC 306 | +420 286 010 526 |
Department of Cataloguing and Study of Manuscripts |
vodicka@mua.cas.cz | B 211 | +420 286 010 567 |
Department of Cataloguing and Study of Manuscripts |
vondracek@mua.cas.cz | B 205 | +420 286 010 565 |
Department for Modern Social and Cultural History |
wagnerova@mua.cas.cz | B -111 | +420 286 010 594 |
Library Unit |
zessinjurek@mua.cas.cz |
Department for Modern Social and Cultural History |
zak@mua.cas.cz | A 111 | +420 286 010 126 |
Publishers |