Ve výpisu publikací najdete všechny důležité publikační výsledky výzkumu a vývoje našich vědeckých pracovníků od roku 1961.
- De Haas-van Alphen effect and the Fermi surface of PrNi5Eur. Phys. J. B 18 (2000) 595 - 600
- Jahn-Teller domains and magnetic domains in Mn2FeO4J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 217 (2000) 19 - 26
- Hyperfine field in YIG with charged substitutionActa Physica Polonica A 97 (2000) 519-522.
- Anisotropy of the hyperfine field on Fe-57 in pure and substituted yttrium iron garnetHyperfine Interact. 131 (2000) 3 - 19
- Physical Review Letters 85 (2000) 3257-3260.
- Physical Review B 62 (2000) 10908-10913.
- Physical Review B 61 (2000) 2749-2754.
- Physical Review Letters 85 (2000) 2609-2612.
- Physical Review B 62 (2000) 13579-13587.
- Physical Review B 62 (2000) 2008-2015.
- Study of B0(S) anti-B0(S) oscillations and B0(S) lifetimes using hadronic decays of B0(S) mesonsEuropean Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields 18 (2000) 229-252.
- Cross-sections and leptonic forward backward asymmetries from the Z0 running of LEPEuropean Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields 16 (2000) 371-405.
- W pair production cross-section and W branching fractions in e+ e- interactions at 189-GeVPhysics Letters B 479 (2000) 89-100.
- Time Evolution of Photolumenscence Response from Porous Silicon in Hydrocarbon Gas Sensing.phys. status solidi a 182 (2000) 485 - 488
- Optical properties of Si+ ion implanted sol-gel derived SiO2 films.Mat. Sci. Eng. B 69-70 (2000) 564 - 569
- Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics in Undoped Microcrystalline Silicon.Mat. Sci. Eng. B 69-70 (2000) 238 - 242
- Study of Pb Diffusion on Si(111)-(7x7) with AScanning Tunneling Microscope: Low Coverage.J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 18 (2000) 1151 - 1155
- Wide Gap Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon for Visible Light Emission.J. Porous Mat. 7 (2000) 135 - 138
- Temperature behaviour of optical properties of Si+-implanted SiO2.Eur. Phys. J. D 8 (2000) 395 - 398
- Extraction Current Transients: New Method of Study of Charge Transport in Microcrystalline Silicon.Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000) 4946
- Temperature study of phase coexistence in the system Pb on an Si(111) surface.Surf. Sci. 454-456 (2000) 584 - 590
- Visible photoluminescence and electroluminescence in wide-band gap hydrogenated amorphous silicon.Philos. Mag. B 80 (2000) 1811 - 1832
- Investigation of Si Nanocrystals embedded into porous SiO2 matrix.Lithuanian J. Phys. 40 (2000) 160 - 163
- Red electroluminescence in Si+ implanted sol-gel-derived SiO2 films.Appl. Phys. Lett. 77 (2000) 2952 - 2954
- Surface and bulk light scattering in microcrystalline silicon for solar cells.J. Non-Cryst. Solids 271 (2000) 152 - 156
- Local electronic transport in microcrystalline silicon observed by combined atomic force microscopy.J. Non-Cryst. Solids 266-269 (2000) 309 - 314
- The role ofthe oxygen molecules in the photolysis of fullerenesFuller. Sci. Technol. 8 (2000) 289
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 210 (2000) 42-48.
- Physica B: Condensed Matter 284-288 (2000) 1241-1242.
- Physica C: Superconductivity 338 (2000) 235-245.
- Physics of the Solid State 42 (2000) 2250-2253.
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 221 (2000) L243-L247.
- Magnetic and electric transport properties of Fe-Hf-O films prepared by supersonic plasma jet methodActa Physica Polonica A 97 (2000) 515-518.
- Physica B: Condensed Matter 284-288 (2000) 851-852.
- Physica C: Superconductivity 341-348 (2000) 1443-1444.
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 215-216 (2000) 27-29.
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 215-216 (2000) 293-296.
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 215-216 (2000) 343-345.
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 215-216 (2000) 375-377.
- Alternative approach to the hysteresis of transport current in Bi-based tapesProc. 4th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS´99), Barcelona (Spain), September 14-17, 1999, Vol. 1 Large Scale Applications. Inst.Phys.Conf. Ser. No 167 (2000) 919-922.
- Preisach model of magnetic hysteresis for ENDE4th Int.Workshop on Electromagn.Nondestructive Evaluation (ENDE´99), Des Moines (USA), August 1999. Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol. 17, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (IV), eds. S.S. Udpa et al., IOS Press, 2000, p. 120-126.
- Advantages and drawbacks of Preisach-like hysteresis evaluation for non-destructive material testingStudies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol. 17, Non-Linear Electromagnetic Systems (ISEM´99), eds. P. Di Barba and A. Savini, IOS Press, 2000, p. 309-312.
- Physical Review B 60 (2000) 6685-6691.
- Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2 (2000) 3453-3459.
- European Physical Journal B 12 (2000) 311-322.
- Europhysics Letters 51 (2000) 363-364.
- Ferroelectrics 244 (2000) 616-622.
- Ferroelectrics 237 (2000) 313-320.
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 33 (2000) 2880-2883.
- Physica B: Condensed Matter 281-282 (2000) 379-380.