Electrochemical Conversion of Renewable Electricity into Fuels and Chemicals
The ELCoREL is an Marie Sklodowska Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) focusing scientific and technological aspects of the storage of renewable electricity into fuels and chemicals.
The ELCoREL consortium joins five academic and two non-academic institution located in Czech Republic, Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Spain and Italy.
The aim of ELCoREL is to train young researchers in all scientific and technological aspects of the storage of renewable electricity into fuels and chemicals. The scientific aim is to develop and upscale novel catalysts meeting specific activity and selectivity targets for oxygen evolution and CO2 reduction. The involvement of two industrial partners ensures rapid application of the fundamental science in electrochemical technology.
Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry (Czech Republic)- coordinator
Leiden University (Netherlands)
University Copenhagen (Denmark)
Aalto University (Finland)
Avantium S.A. (Netherlands)
DeNora Industries S.A. (Italy)
Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (Spain)
Ing. PD. Krtil Petr CSc.