From dynamic analysis towards dynamic control of catalytic reaction on zeolites.
Grant Agency
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Synthesis and Reactivity of Catalytic Materials.
Year from
Year to
The project aims into utilization of the detail nano-structural/surface analysis of oxidic catalysts under dynamic conditions (mostly by Concentration Programmed Reaction technique monitored by time resolved FTIR spectroscopy, CPR-FTIR) for formulation of a methodical base for optimization of unsteady-state catalytic regimes of redox and acidobasic processes (Forced unsteady-state reactor approach, FUSE) on microporous, metallo-zeolitic materials. The proposed methodic approach presents a way towards basic innovation in performance of catalytic reactions on zeolites and provides a means for utilization of the actually reached high level of understanding of dynamic behavior of their hierarchic structure and their specific redox and transport properties, for design of highly active and conceptually innovative catalytic nano-materials and catalytic processes.
The project aims into utilization of the detail nano-structural/surface analysis of oxidic catalysts under dynamic conditions (mostly by Concentration Programmed Reaction technique monitored by time resolved FTIR spectroscopy, CPR-FTIR) for formulation of a methodical base for optimization of unsteady-state catalytic regimes of redox and acidobasic processes (Forced unsteady-state reactor approach, FUSE) on microporous, metallo-zeolitic materials. The proposed methodic approach presents a way towards basic innovation in performance of catalytic reactions on zeolites and provides a means for utilization of the actually reached high level of understanding of dynamic behavior of their hierarchic structure and their specific redox and transport properties, for design of highly active and conceptually innovative catalytic nano-materials and catalytic processes.
doc. Ing. Sobalík Zdeněk CSc.

+420 26605 3646