Laboratory of Plant Reproduction
Research Interests
We study a molecular background of flowering in the genus Chenopodium and cytoplasmic male sterility in Silene vulgaris. Both model plants are members of the same order –Caryophyllales. Interest in plant reproduction and plant evolution arose from previous projects focused on the genetic diversity of wild plant species.
The genus Chenopodium contains both short-day and long-day plant species. A short-day species Chenopodium rubrum has been a traditional model of flowering investigated for a long time. A surprising feature of C. rubrum is its sensitivity to photoperiodic induction at seedling stage - at age of about five days. We have identified Chenopodium homologues of the genes CONSTANS and Flowering locus T, which play crucial roles in the course of photoperiodic induction of flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana. We study their expression in seedlings and mature plants of C. rubrum under various physiological conditions.
We noticed that FT- like genes could serve as molecular markers, particularly informative for phylogenetic studies of the complex group C. album sensu lato. -
The second project, currently starting in our lab, is an investigation of cytoplasmic male sterility in Silene vulgaris. We focus on variation in mitochondrial transcription among natural populations as well as on the basis of inheritance of mitochondrial DNA. We are searching for the genes encoding cytoplasmic male sterility in this species.
We collaborate with Radomira Vankova who studies metabolism of cytokinins in transgenic tobacco under drought stress. We benefit from methods of plant gene expression analysis, adopted in the course of investigation of flowering (qRT PCR, Northerns with DIG labeled probes).
head of the laboratorysenior scientist
- RNDr. Helena Štorchová CSc.
deputy head of the laboratorygraduated technical assistant
- Ing. Oushadee Abeyawar... Ph.D
graduated technical assistant
- Ing. Kateřina Haškovcová
- Claudia Belz Dr. rer. nat.
- Dipl. Nat. Manuela Krüger PhD.
Research projects
- Diamanty v prachu. Genetické základy květní indukce u zástupců rodu Chenopodium s kontrastní odpovědí na fotoperiodu. , GA ČR , Helena Štorchová
- Evoluce diploidně-polyploidního komplexu Chenopodium album agg. Společná anebo paralelní evoluce severoamerických a euroasijských druhů? , MŠMT , Helena Štorchová
- Tower of Babel: Mitochondrial-nuclear interactions in the gynodioecious species Silene vulgaris investigated with transcriptomics. , GA ČR , Helena Štorchová
- The role of hybridization and polyploidization in the evolution in Chenopodium album aggregate: From biosystematics to gene expression , GA ČR , Helena Štorchová
- Regulace kvetení u rodu Chenopodium studovaná pomocí transkriptomiky , GA ČR , Helena Štorchová
- Hunters or gardeners? Probing plant-microbe interactions in rootless carnivorous Utricularia from a transcriptomic perspective , GA ČR , Helena Štorchová
- Coexistence of native and inoculated arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the roots of host plants , GA ČR , Helena Štorchová
- Dynamic changes of mitochondrial DNA and transcription profiles in Silene vulgaris , GA ČR , Helena Štorchová
- The molecular genetic analysis of the candidate genes responsible for cytoplasmic male sterility in Silene vulgaris , MŠMT , Helena Štorchová
- The identification and studies of expression of the genes involved in photoperiodic flower induction in Chenopodium , GA ČR , Helena Štorchová
- BIOTECHNIQUES 41 156+ 2006 Fulltext: PDF link on intranet only
- JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY 94 66-76 2006 Fulltext: PDF link on intranet only
- In Budeč 1100 let. II. Příroda - krajina - člověk. Kováry : Občanské sdružení Budeč 109-112 2006
- In Budeč 1100 let. II. Příroda - krajina - člověk. Kováry : Občanské sdružení Budeč 252-253 2006
- MOLECULAR ECOLOGY 13 2909-2919 2004 Fulltext: PDF link on intranet only
- In Proceedings from the International Seminar Advances in Molecular Biology: Methods for Genotype Identification - Plant Breeding and Production Control. Praha 28-30 2004
- In Thaiszia - J. bot. - Košice 14 Suppl.1. 23-24 2004
- AQUATIC BOTANY 75 [2] 159-172 2003
- In Book of Abstracts - Methods in Plant Sciences III. 28 2003