
The library with a specialized collection of J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

The library is open to external users by appointment.

The library manager is Mrs. KNAPOVÁ Michaela (knapova at, knihovna at

Activities and Services

  • Maintenance of ASEP - Evidence of publishing activities of researchers (ASEP, RIV)
How to correctly announce the publication:
Each Researcher – The author of the publication activity, is obliged to promptly report an article (or other kind of publication activity) to the ASEP by sending a PDF to mail knapova at or knihovna at The articles are entered into ASEP and subsequently, if they fulfil the conditions, into the RIV. For more details visit: or contact the library manager.
  • Handling orders for copies of books and loan books, unavailable in the library for Institute staff from external sources 
  • Processing of requests of Czech and foreign libraries within the framework of inter-library and international lending services.
  • Purchase and register of books.
  • Keeping records of the book and jornal loan.
  • Purchase and registration of journal.
  • Ensuring access to EIZ (electronic information resources).
  • Printing posters for the Institute's staff on a large-scale printer up to A0.
  • Copying and scanning materials for Institute's staff up to A3.
  • Book binding up to A4 size.
  • A paper cutter up to A3 size can be lent.