Open Day


Every year FZU joins the Czech Academy of Sciences for their annual science festival Týden Akademie věd. This year it will take place on November 9th to November 11th, 2023. Traditionally, we offer a wide variety of excursions and lectures for both schools and the general public. The program is advertised in Czech as well as the tours are usually conducted in Czech; please be aware that we can also do tours in English so do not be afraid to ask.

Peek behind the scenes of our labs with the public on Saturday and visit some of the usually inaccessible research facilities on our four locations Slovanka (Praha - Ládví), Cukrovarnická (Praha - Střešovice) and laser centre HiLASE (Dolní Břežany).

For reservations or more information please contact jonackova [at] fzu [dot] cz